Chapter 1 Not My Day

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You stretched your arms and yawn, waking up in the morning after the alarm had gone off.

"I'm still very work sure is taking a toll on me" you talk to yourself as you flip off the covers and go to your bathroom. You take a shower and get ready. You were so lazy you didn't even notice the time.

"Oh Crap! I'm gonna be late!" you yell to yourself as you head to the kitchen downstairs.

"(Name), Good Morning" your mom greets you with a smile.

"Morning" you say leaning in the wall inhaling some oxygen as you got exhausted running down like a hurricane.

"Sit down and do your breakfast" your mom says making pancakes for your father.

"No time mom gotta run!" you say as you grab a slice of bread in your mouth, put on your shoes and run off to school.

You looked more like a girl from an anime with breakfast in her mouth running late for school.

"I'm so dead if I don't reach in time" you run at full pace and luckily end up in school before the school bell rang. "Made it..." you whisper as you had your hands on your knees panting.

"Are you okay?" you hear a male voice and quickly shot up. "Y.yea I'm fine" you say to the boy.

He is Kirito, your classmate. He has black hair and black eyes, a very handsome face (in your opinion). But he is the kind of guy who gets into fights with a lot of girls, not actual fists fights but little quarrels now and then. But he never had one with you because you were quite nervous and shy (in his opinion) who always slipped away whenever he tried to converse.

"Well okay would you..." before he could finish his sentence you nod and run off, he turns around to look at you, finger pointed up " to go to class with me?" he finishes his own sentence seeing you running like your life depended on it.

As for in your case, you were not that shy type girl who tried to impress boys by her cuteness. You actually kind of had strict parents. ([a/n]: and I mean really strict) They were very over protective of you. They thought that you were their rebellious little daughter who tried to live life her own way thus they restricted you from many, many things.

'Don't hang out with boys'

'Don't talk to boys'

'Don't look or pass smiles to boys'

'Don't even dare to fall in love with boys'

'Don't talk of guard with even the male teachers'

That's what they said. You thought your life was just a big "don't"

God if they really were that over protective why they didn't turn you into a whole girl's school.

Oh yea regarding that there was another reason. Good grades, they only wanted good grades from their rebellious abnoxious daughter or so that's what you thought.

Other schools didn't impart very good education so you ended up here.

You quietly sit down in your seat which was straight next to a window. After awhile you saw Kirito walk in. He looked at you, you flinched in your seat and averted your gaze somewhere else. He comes and sits behind; yes his seat was right behind you.

"Hey why did you run off like that?" he asks putting his bag down.

You curse under your breath. You turn around and smile a little. "um... I had my reasons" you say.

"oh" was all he said before you turn back infront.

The class began shortly and your teacher came in. He was your homeroom teacher and it was beginning of a new session.

'Hurray! Another chance to disappoint your parents' you thought and groaned leaning into your desk with arms stretched.

The teacher took the attendance and then spoke up "As you all know this is a start of our new session, I would like to choose representatives of the class. Please raise your hands who would likely want to participate"

And look at that not a single hand made its way into the air. The teacher looked disappointed. Quite awhile passed but no rising of hands.

'Come on people Hurry up!' you thought to yourself as you tapped the pencil on your desk.

"If you don't participate I'll choose myself" the teacher says giving a quick glance at the class.

'Please do'

"okay now I shall decide. For the male representative it will be Kirito" the teacher says calmly.

Kirito shots up from his seat exclaiming a "What?!"

"Settle down young man" Kirito falls back into his seat cursing at the teacher as he says "For the female representative, I'll choose (Name)"

Your eyes wide from the shook you burst up from your seat "Why me?!"

You turn around to see Kirito grinning and satisfied.

Why is he so calm?!

"Why are you so calm?!" you ask glaring at him

"Well you are not that bad like some other girls" he smiles

"What do you mean not that bad?" you asked fist clenched ready to smack his face.

"I'm just glad that it's you" he says tilting his head ([a/n]: ashdkksdjklf omg! Kawaii!!! XD)

A light blush appears on your face as you turn around and sit down.

'Got some nerve there, that bastard!' you mutter under your breath

The teacher clears his throat "Now that, that's cleared. I wish you good luck for this session. Do your best"

The homeroom teacher left as you glared daggers on his back. And then put your head on the desk resting on it

'This is so not my day!'


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