Chapter 3 Change

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You reach home and open the door seeing your dad standing in front of you with his arms crossed on his chest.

'Dead' you thought as you gulped realizing how angry he was.

"Where were you?" he asks

"I.I was at school" you reply nervously.

"This late why?" he asks again

"The teacher chose me to be the class representative so I had to stay late to do some work" you were looking in his furious eyes and sweating like crazy.

"I see and you were with? Surely you didn't stay alone right?" his voice was a little louder

"I was with my classmate"

"A boy? "

"y.yes..." you grip on your bag strip

"Great that's just great. Did you hear her Jane? She is going her way again" you could see your mom looking at you disappointed.

"But I was just doing my work as a class rep" you defend yourself.

"Stop these silly activities I told you to concentrate on your studies didn't I?" your dad says angrily

"yes I am working to get better but please dad stop being so over protective of me I'm grown up now" you say and realize you shouldn't have said that.

Your dad was about to slap you when you closed your eyes but your mom stopped him. "Don't stop Carl! Didn't I tell you that no violence"

Tears flicker into your eyes as you wiped them and ran off to your room.

Your dad argued more with your mother that she didn't teach you enough discipline and you must not talk back to my parents, especially your father.

'What did I ever do to them' you were on your bed knees bent to your chest as you wept in them. 'I don't deserve a life like this I better run away then stay here in this hell. But where would I go the world is more cruel but I swear when I grow up I won't even turn an eye at this house' you thought as you were really angry with your parents.

The rest of the day went okay and the next day you completely ignored Kirito, you didn't even tried to talk to him.

He was really worried about your sudden change in behavior although it didn't change quite a lot but he knew something was wrong. It was lunch break and you walked outside trying to avoid as many people as you could especially Kirito.

You were standing by a wall which was far behind of school looking down sighing.

"okay spill the beans what's up?" Kirito came from nowhere and was standing right in front of you

You look at him surprised then look away "what do you mean I'm fine"

"Look me in the eyes and then say that" he says sternly

"Leave me alone alright I don't want anyone hanging around with me especially boys" you say looking down

Kirito walks closer to you "Why do you run away? Tell me the problem and I'll help you solve it."

You look at him "you are the problem just stay away from me!" you yell receiving some attention in return and then you back down.

"I won't until you tell me" he says bluntly

"okay fine" you stomp your little foot and he thinks it's cute. Score for you

"My father he was really angry at me yesterday that I stayed late at school and also with a boy. He will have all sorts of misunderstandings now and I hate myself for doing that. I was already on bad terms with my parents and now they hate me. They think I'm rebellious and want to live life my own way which is risky and if I do that they think I'll involve myself into drugs and bad habits due to bad peer influence but I'm not like that I really am not. I was trying so hard to leave a good impression on them but now I guess they won't ever believe me" you take a deep breath as you end

Kirito hadn't disturbed you not a single time and listened to your entire sad tale quietly. He processed everything you said in his mind and then spoke up "I guess it's partially my fault too"

"It's not it's that teachers fault for making me a class rep" you say looking at the stones on the ground.

"Really are you standing up for me?" he smiles

You smile back at him "No". There was a pout on his face "But we are friends now aren't we?" he asks

"I guess" you reply

"So we are gonna clear up the misunderstanding with your parents first" he says happily

"How?" you question him

"I'll tell you at the end of the day" he smirks and leaves

You turn to him "W.wait!....Kirito!" but he walks away smiling

He kind of likes the way you say his name like the end two word you pronounce cutely.

Your realized life was changing. Would change be good? Or was it better this way....


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