Chapter 4 "Like Him?"

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The lunch was over and you sat down on your desk, you turned to Kirito mentally asking him to tell what he was up too but he shakes his head no and you growl and turn in front.

The time was passing so slowly you watched the clock whole time and cursing it. 'God please let this time pass quickly'

You were aching to know what was in Kirito's mind and yet you restrained yourself from punching it out of him.

It was your last class and you were practically jumping to know what was in his mind. Kirito noticed and smirked, you whacked a book on his face not turning behind you said "shut up I'm trying to think"

"I didn't even say a word!" Kirito glares daggers on your back

The last class was over and it was time to head back home luckily the teacher didn't assign you any tasks for today so you were free.

"So Mister Genius what was your plan?" you ask with your hands on your back.

"I'm gonna confront your parents" he replies

"What!?" you swore if you were drinking some juice you would've spilled it all on his face "What do you mean they'll throw me out if they see you!"

"But we have got to clear the misunderstanding I assure you it will be alright" he says putting a hand on your shoulder.

You were still uncomfortable of him touching you so you take his hand away backing a little "No way no freaking way! It's too dangerous" you were too scared of your dad the thought of Kirito confronting him gave you the shivers. He would be so mad that he might take a knife and slice him.

"You have to trust me (Name). Please I just want to help" he was pleading more than asking.

You nod as he smiles. You both walk to your home as he gaps looking at it.

"What?" you ask nervous

"It's huge! Mine is nothing compared to this thing" he looked amazed.

You sighed and walk inside "Stop gaping and come on"

You were cool on the outside but inside fear was dominant of all emotions and you couldn't help but think the time when your father yells at you and you break into tears in front of Kirito.

You walked inside "I'm home" you say before entering.

Your mom and dad come out of the kitchen and are almost taken back and shocked seeing a boy next to you.

"What is this (Name)? Did you forget what I told you yesterday Are you that stupid?" he was furious ready to give you a knockout punch but was restrained by your mother.

You opened your mouth and then closed it. You had nothing to say and looked down.

"Excuse me sir but let me explain. It's not your daughter's fault that I'm here. Please don't think poorly of her. I'm just here to clear the misunderstanding caused by me yesterday..." Kirito couldn't finish his sentence when your father speaks again

"So you are the brat she was with yesterday. It is truly a shame for me and my family that my daughter is turning into a slut!"

Your eyes were wide tears threatening to fall how your father could relate you with something like that.

"No your wrong sir, she had no such intentions. She was only performing her duty which she was obliged to nothing more, she didn't talk to me unless it was important and as being her father you shouldn't think so down of your daughter" Kirito was really serious.

"Who are you lecturing me I have to prepare my daughter for the worst and maintain a family name, if she doesn't simply obey to what I have to say so then I'm afraid I will have to take extreme measures" your father had a cold look in his eyes the one he gave you when you were young and did something foolish.

"And by preparing her you mean destroying her self-confidence. You know how much it is taking a toll on her she wouldn't be able to face the society and you won't always be there to back her up. You can't always keep her away from men and one day when she would have to face them what would she do then huh? Pile up in a corner just because she is scared. Where would that family name go then? If you were a caring father you would understand what I'm saying" Kirito stops but that look was still on his face

Your father opened his mouth to say something but closed it again.

"I'll be leaving now. Thank you very much for your time" Kirito bowed and turned his foot to leave.

You stood there staring at the door and thinking of all the things he said in those few moments.

"You don't have to hide it" he says smiling

"Hide what!?" you almost shout

"That you like me" he replies calm

"I don't like you!"

But now you've grown to think you really liked that guy.

Your father growled and smacked his fist onto the wall. You flinched and turned to him.

"(Name) go back to your room" your mom says.

You nod and run upstairs.

Your heart was thumping so loud you could hear it in your ears. What was all this weird feeling?

'Did I start to like him?' you thought and gasped

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