Chapter 3

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"Ah-choo!" Think I'm coming down with a cold. Ian sniffed as he held his healing water above the injured bird sitting on his desk. Wait, can water elemancers even catch colds?

Sitting on each of the students' desk were injured animal. Their elemental assignment was to heal said animal before the end of the hour. His teacher, Mr. Charlie, strode around the classroom, lazily waving his arms around as he spoke to the students. "That's it, students. Be one with the water. Be the first drop of rain to a sun parched ground."

I would if you didn't find it necessary to speak every five seconds. "Where did all of these injured animals come from anyway?"

"Do not ask any questions. Only heal."

Ian grumbled to himself as he focused on the injured wing. The water began to glow as it began to seep into the bird's wing, appearing dull next to the rest of the school. This junk is so boring. Everyone else is busy learning how to fight, and I'm over here healing birds. He grunted, frustrated as he took his attention off of the bird. "I don't even want to be here."

A hand clasped on his back returned him to focus. He quickly turned around to Ichi, who was just as astonished as he was. His astonishment, however, only lasted for a split second before his usual sneer returned to his face. "Well, I was here to pick you up so you can get your supplies for the Emblem of Valor gym, but this completely took my attention," he said, gesturing to the bird.

Ian looked to his project, shocked by the ice slowly forming around bird. Had he still had his attention on it, it probably would've been frozen just as well.

"Come with me, Ian. We have to get you prepared for the arena."

"Hell yeah." Ian nodded as he got up. It beats staying in this boring class.

They both walked down the hallway in silence. He glanced at Ichi, seeing a silhouette of a raven holding a circular cyan jewel in its talons stitched on his jacket. "What's with the badge?"

"Hm? Oh, this?" he asked as he looked at his shoulder. "This is the badge of the Kurai Elite."

"Kurai Elite? I think I heard something about that from Uncle Marcus."

"Doesn't surprise me. He always had trouble with keeping himself quiet." He shrugged as they went inside of the elevator. "Ah well. Kurai Elites are a group of elite Elemancers who work in secret as assassins. In the case of Water elementals, we release mist through the battleground and cloak ourselves with it."

"So ya'll are like ninjas, huh. Awesome."

"It is indeed." Pushing up his glasses, Ichi grinned as he said, "What do you want out of life, Ian?"

"What everyone else wants. Fame and fortune, of course."

Ichi laughed. "I forget how naïve the youth are. You have so much to learn about the world."

"Don't talk to me like I'm a kid," Ian warned.

"Oh, but it's true. My brothers and I had the same mentality after we became Journeymen. We were so caught up in being rich and famous, we lost track of what we really were and what was truly important to us. What would happen if your brother was kidnapped, and you had a choice of either unlimited riches or saving him? Would you go to your brother's aid?"

"I thought you were here to take me to the Emblem of Valor arena, not give me a psychology test."

"Answer the question," Ichi stated with a grin.

Ian huffed as he looked at the ground. "I was always taught that blood comes first."

"But is that how you feel?"

Ian growled as the elevator dinged. The doors slid open. "Why are you so insistent about this?"

"I'm simply here to make sure you are the best that you can be. It looks like I've got miles to go." Ian snarled, glaring at him as he walked out of the elevator. "You have a thing for Rose, correct?"

"Who told you about that? Are you stalking me?"

"On the contrary. Your brother tells me the most interesting stories. Tell me, Ian, why do you want to be rich?"

"That's a stupid question," Ian answered. "I want the whole world to know my name. I want to drink champagne like its soda, and spend money on whatever I want. Haven't you ever seen how rappers live?"

"So you want to live life in paranoia, worrying about whether people love you for your money and not for you. I've been a rock star, kid. It's not as flashy as it seems. Once the glamour wears off, you'll find that it was all meaningless." He stopped in front of the Tower of Waves exit. "Do you know why Rose refuses to talk to you?"

Ian said nothing as he looked at the back of Ian's head.

"She can see straight through that mask you wear. When you look at yourself in the mirror, with all of the necklaces, golden teeth, and sour expression, do you like what you see? Do you want to live your life, or do you want your peers to tell you how to live?" Ian remained silent. "I'll ask this again. This time, I want a straight answer. None of that 'I was taught' bullshit, but what you really feel. Would you risk your loved ones for a life of fame and fortune? Would you trade your little brother for a few measly trinkets? Or do you want to protect him?"

Ian looked at his sneakers. Damn that man. Damn him for reading him like a book. Damn him for telling the truth. "I want to protect my little brother. I want to protect my family."

"Then start by removing that mask you wear. Act the way you want to. If anyone leaves your life, flip them the bird on their way out. Focus on being the best you that you can be, for everyone around you."

"But I don't even know who I am anymore. I put up this façade for so long..."

"I never said it would be easy." Ichi finally turned to him. "Hold out your hand." Ian obliged. He stared Ichi straight in his hazel eyes as he felt a piece of cloth in his hand. "If you're serious about this, come to us. We'll give you the tools to break the shackles your peers placed on you and make you stronger, both inside and out. But be warned: we only accept the people who dedicate themselves to it. How much to you train on you skills?"

"I never do," he admitted.

"Not anymore. I want you to practice every dayfor at least two hours. Come to me when you think you're ready." Ichi finallymoved his hand. At once, Ian looked in his palm, seeing the same badge attachedto Ichi's jacket.

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