Chapter 80

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It was finally prom day. Dre stood in front of the mirror in his bathroom, making sure that everything looked proper. He wore a white tuxedo with a sky-blue vest underneath. Pinned to the front of his jacket was plastic rose with clear beads guising as dew. He had a pair of white sunglasses that he was borrowing from Megumi in his pocket inside his jacket. Though he thought he looked good, he could see why Megumi hated dressing formally. The pants felt too tight, even though the tailor said that it would fit perfect, and his shoes felt like they were smothering his feet. He didn't even want to think about how much it had cost. He sighed as he tugged on the tail of his jacket hanging down to his thighs.

As odd as it was, Dre couldn't wait for it to start. He was surprised to even be able to go with a date, let alone Kimmy. Heck, he was even surprised to be able to go with anyone at all. His parents freaked out once he told them that he had a date to the prom, and not in a good way. They were both afraid that he'd be taking a Siren, or someone like Samantha. They bombarded him with questions about who he was taking, and before he was able to answer one of their questions, they asked dozens more. After he was finally able to tell them that he was going with Kimmy, they finally quit worrying about his date, and instead began teasing him about when they would get married and when they could expect to have grandkids. He groaned; it was a lose-lose situation.

He checked the time on his phone. 3:35. The Grand March was supposed to start at 6:30. His parents wanted him to get dressed early to take, what his mom said, "Just a couple of pictures." There was just one question that was going through his mind. Why in the world did they insist he get dressed three hours in advance? Did they really intend to take three hours' worth of pictures? He hoped not.

After tying his hair back in a ponytail, he placed his hand on the doorknob. A though flowed through his mind. Knowing how his parents were, namely his mom, they would probably be outside waiting for him to come out, like a paparazzi waiting for a celebrity. If this was what fame was like, he was glad to stay out of the limelight. At least, until the people found out he was the King of Elements. Why me? Why?

Bracing himself, he opened the door, immediately shielding his eyes. He was surprised to not hear anyone say anything about how he looked. He peeked through his fingers. Nothing but family pictures hanging on the wall. Well, that and Blitz sitting at his feet, his head cocked in confusion.

"I'm just as confused as you are, boy," Dre said, scratching the dog's head. "Where is everyone?" He walked into the living room. No one. It was surprising that not even Ian was in there. Not only that, but they left the television on, which was odd, considering how many times he had the "wasting electricity" speech whenever he accidentally left the light on before leaving. Buttoning his sleeves, he powered off the television with his shiny, white shoes.

There was someone speaking outside. Dre peeked through the blinds, seeing his parents, Ian, Grandpa Samuel, McManus, Brianna, his Uncle Marcus, and his Aunt Bianka. Geez, did they decide to have a family reunion today? His heart almost stopped in his chest as he saw a blue jeep park behind his grandpa's vintage car. Kim's parent's jeep. "Surely they didn't-"

But they did. Stevie, Rain, and Kim each got out of the jeep. He felt his heart stop completely once he saw Kim in her dress. It showed off curves he didn't know that Kim even had. It was sky-blue, the same blue as his vest, though the front of her dress was stitched with gold thread, dividing the top half of her dress in threes. The bottom half sprout out into a bell, sparkling here and there with silver, stitched-in beads. Her hair was tied in a long braid, embroiled an assortment of small flowers. She looked like a princess shining in the sunlight. She looked even more beautiful when she was giggling at one of McManus's witticisms. His heart melted; the sun itself would be envious of the light she radiated.

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