Stupid, was the only thought that ran through Ian's mind. This was extremely stupid of me. His head hovered over his lunch tray as he struggled to keep himself conscious. He knew the night before that if he pulled an all-nighter honing his skills for the Kurai Elites Tryouts, he would pay for it at school. He didn't know, however, just how much he would pay. He'd almost fell asleep during Mr. Charlie's lecture on using water offensively, and he was barely even conscious enough to make it through lunch. There was no way that he was going to make it through his history class alive.
"Hello, Ian," he heard Rose's sweet voice say from in front of him. He merely grunted as he looked up at her. "Wow, you don't look too good."
"Don't worry. I feel a lot worse than how I look," he said before slumping back over his food. "I'm so freaking tired, I can't even think of any flirtatious comments to say about you."
"Maybe you should stay sleepy. That was a joke," she added immediately after Ian looked back up to her. "Did you not get a good night sleep?"
"Not even a wink." He sighed as he ran his hand across his braided hair. "I was up all night trying to get my power good enough for the Kurai Elite. Ichi said that I might have a shot at joining them. All I have to do is passed the tryouts."
"I see," Rose said, nodding slowly. "So, what is the Kurai Elite?"
"You never heard of them?" He ate a spoonful of peas before continuing. "They're supposed to be, like, a group of Amian assassins that uses their elemental powers for tactical espionage and stuff. My grandpa created to group, so I pretty much get a free pass into it," he said concededly.
She took a bite from her roast beef sandwich and swallowed before saying, "Wouldn't it be better to earn your way into it? If you're accepted because of your grandfather, you almost seem like a spoiled child who's siphoning off of his work."
Ian's smile disappeared.
"Howdy, howdy," he heard Keiko say as both she and Michael sat in front of them, laying down their trays. She had her usual grin plastered on her face, her honey-yellow eyes closed as she began to devour her food.
"You look like crap, Ian," Michael grunted.
"Screw you, too, pal," Ian said angrily. He began to retort until Dre sat down beside Michael; he wore a mask of panic, looking as if someone was coming after him.
"Hey guys. I think I'm screwed."
"Did someone find out about your... title?" Rose asked, dropping her sandwich back on her tray. Michael's face hardened.
"Huh? Oh, no not that kind of screwed. I sort of made a deal with Kimmy. See, we had a test in our elemental class, and I made an agreement that if we both passed it, I'd take her out for a celebratory dinner... thing. And my social skills sucks," he groaned as he slid down in his chair.
"Wait," began Michael, a spoon hovering above a bowl of stew, "so even though your social skills sucks, you decided it was a good idea to ask a girl out on a date? Why?"
"It's not a date," Dre said sharply. "And I don't know. It's all because of the Ki-" Michael's hand had covered Dre's mouth almost instantly. He darted his eyes to Michael, who looked grave as he placed his finger over his mouth. Everyone else breathe a sigh of relief, save Keiko, who was too focused on her stew to pay attention. Once Michael removed his hand, Dre said, "That hurt, you know." Turning back to the group, he continued. "It's all because of Hiro. He told me that anytime I grabbed the Suscéptor, I'd slowly gain the King's power, courage, and wisdom."
"But isn't the Suscéptor in the Hall of Legends?" Keiko asked.
"And Hiro was killed in battle, was he not?" Rose added. "How are you able to speak to him?"
"It's a link that I have to the-" he blocked Michael's incoming hand, "former Master," he said with a glare at Michael, who didn't seem to be shaken by it, "in my dreams. In order to unlock all of my powers, I have to encounter him until I'm strong enough to- You're making me get off track of my original problem!" He took a breath. "What should I do about my celebratory dinner?"
"You mean your date?" Ian said with a spoon in his mouth. Dre pouted as he glared at him "That's technically what it is. My advice is to just be yourself. If that fails, just be like me."
"That's horrible advice, Ian," Rose said with a dry stare. She turned to Dre. "Let her choose a place. Once you get there, ask her questions about herself; favorite color, hobbies, her future, and whatnot. After that, things should flow naturally. Don't be like your brother," she said, casting an eye at Ian.
"What's wrong with me?" Ian asked with an arched eyebrow.
"It's been four months and you probably still don't have Rose's number. And wait-" Dre held up a finger, looking surprised. "You can't mock me about Samantha anymore."
"Shut up."
"Speaking of Kim, where is she?" Rose asked.
"She had to make a phone call out in the foyer. She'll be back in soon."
"Kim? I'm in the middle of class. Did something happen?" Megumi asked over the phone in a hushed voice.
"No, no. It's nothing like that. I have a question to ask you. A personal question," Kim asked. She leaned against the wall, her cell phone in one hand and her backpack in the other. Apprentices all passed her, giving her an awkward glance before continuing to speak with their friends, each commenting on her cat ears poking out of the top of her baseball cap. "I think I just got a date with Dre."
"What?!" Megumi whispered. "When and where? Also how?"
"He made a deal about if we passed our elemental test. We haven't really gone over when we're going to go. I'm kind of scared; I've never really been on a date. What if I say or do something stupid?"
"Kim, this is Dre that we're talking about," Megumi said in a reassuring tone. "I'm sure that he'd be the first person to do something dumb. Besides, you two've been on good times for the longest. This is your chance, girl! Only think about the positives!" She could feel Megumi's joy through the phone.
Smiling, she said, "Okay. I'll try to take your advice. I'll talk to Dre once I go inside."
"Alright. Keep me informed. Oh crap, teacher's coming. Later," she said before she abruptly hung up.
Kim's smile was glued to her face as she slid her phone into her back pocket and walked into the cafeteria.
(Outdated) The King of Elements (part 2)
Fantasy~~~~~~~~~~ This is a continuation of the King of Elements. "Two months ago, I was a nobody. Two months later, I was a King." After find out that he and everyone he came to know was not human, Ke'Undre Wolf's life had never been the same. Instead of...