Chapter 96

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"Wh-what is this?" Dre stammered absently. He was the King of Elements, and this was the Suscéptor that he was holding, right? Why was Aggaron able to catch the blade so easily?

Aggaron's hand began to sizzle underneath the blade. With a smile, he casually tossed the sword, along with Dre, aside. Dre rammed into the side of the monument, forcing the wind out of him. Dazed, he drunkenly reached for his sword, using it to prop himself back onto his feet.

"Just a fluke," he said to himself. He rushed back at Aggaron and swung. Aggaron ducked, almost folding into the cloak itself, and jabbed his stomach with two fingers. Dre was frozen, expecting some type of strange magic to make his stomach explode or something. Instead, it felt like just a regular poke. Aggaron looked up at him and smiled.

Snarling, Dre slashed at him with a multitude of unanswered swings. It was frustrating. No matter how fast he swung, no matter where he aimed, Aggaron was able to dodge each attempt easily. It was as if Dre were trying to hit a plastic bag with a fan set on high. If he didn't dodge the blows, he used his hand to block the sword, making it ricochet off of his has as if Dre'd hit silver.

After dodging a downward strike, Aggaron hovered backward, beckoning him with his tattoo-ridden hand. "This would be a real good time to go all silver hair, Hiro," Dre muttered. This was unreal. Even after all of the training he'd done, he still was unable to do anything to Aggaron. He was the only one who was supposed to be able to harm him. If he couldn't, what chance did Amity, what chance did Earth, have?

No, a voice said in the back of his mind. You are the King. You are wielding the Suscéptor. Both worlds are depending on you. They believe in you. They know that you can do more. So much more.

"Yeah," he said through his teeth. He thrust the blade in the ground and held his hands together, aiming at Aggaron. Producing fira, he continued. "They're all counting on me; Amity, Earth, all of my friends and family. Kimmy. They all believe in me. I can do it. I can do more." He could feel the warmth of the fira circling his hands, expanding. The light of the blue flames shining brightly in the darkness, he knew that it would strike home. He felt a burning in his chest, a fierce determination that told him that he would not let them down. He was the champion of Amity. He was the guardian of Earth. He was the ultimate good. And he could not fail. "I can do much mo-"

He didn't even feel Aggaron's fist ramming into his stomach. Dre looked down in disbelief, sharing glances with Aggaron, who looked back up to him, smiling. There was no pain. Only numbness. His legs instantly gave out as he fell to his knees, struggling to keep out the bile that was rising up his throat. The fira fizzled out in his hands. Weak, his arms drooped as he struggled for breath.

"Confused, King? You're wondering how I was able to catch the Suscéptor, correct? There's no secrets, no tricks. The fact is very simple. You. Are. Weak. I will tell you a secret, though. Just a parting gift that I think you'll love." Aggaron leaned to his ear. "I've not recovered even a fourth of my strength back."

"You lie," Dre strained to speak.

"Oh, but it's true. What you see now is the only portions of my body that have recovered after that accursed duo, Hiro and Toney, defeated me about forty years ago. I'm really scary once I get all of my strength back. And to make things better, I gain more and more of my strength with each wish that I grant. Not that it matters anyway. You'll be long dead before that even happens."

He pulled away from Dre and forged a dagger from darkness, holding it high above his head. "Now, farewell, King Dre!" he yelled before bringing it down at Dre's head.

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