Chapter 19

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I just realised that there are only 8 chapters left until the end of SMTL...
But I'm already planning something for you *insert evil laugh here*

>Loco's POV<

I'm standing infront of our waiting room.
The door is closed but I can hear someone talking inside.
Sounds like Soojung and... Song Mino??

"Because I like you." I hear Mino saying.

Wtf? Hands off my girl Mino!

"Is he really trying to flirt with her?" I ask myself.
Did anyone hear me talking to myself?

I decide to open the door.
Mino turns his head towards the door, Soojung is starring at me.

Why are his hands on her shoulders? Why is he touching her?

"Song Mino, I think you're in the wrong room!"
"I...ummm... yes. I'm sorry."
He removes his hand from Soojungs shoulders, bows to me and leaves.
I close the door behind him.
"Why was he in here?" "He wanted to help me *sobs*."
"But I'm the one that is supposed to do this!!" I say in an angry tone
Tears start running down her cheeks again.

"No. I shouldn't have been so harsh. I'm sorry Soojung. I just don't like to see boys acting like this around you... or touching you. Please don't cry!"

>SooJung's POV<

"I... I need to go now. *sob*"
I walk to the door but Hyukwoo grabs my wrist and pulls me towards him.
I let my bag fall down.
I'm happy that he's holding me now
I can't help it but cry more.

I can't continue to live my dream and I can't help mom without the money I could have won.

>Loco's Pov<

As soon as I hold SooJung in my arms she starts to cry more. "Everything will be fine SooJung! Don't worry! I'll try to help you!"
Soojung mumbles something against my chest.
"What did you say SooJung?"
She looks up and then kisses me first.

>No ones POV<

The rest of team AOMG is walking towards their waiting room. Beside Geegoin, LilBoi, David Kim and Sick-K, Jay Park is also on his way to the waiting room.
He's looking for Loco; they need to continue filming.

The boys stands infront of the waiting room. The door is closed and it's silent inside.
"Maybe S.J. already went home?" "She would at least say goodbye..." LilBoi answers.
"Let's just look inside!" Jay Park says.

As soon as the door opens everyones mouth flew open.


>Loco's POV<

After our kiss ends, we hug each other.
My eyes were closed the whole time until now. And the first thing I see?
4 shocked rappers and a smiling pervert, also known as Jay Park.
Why is he smiling like that???

"Soojung" I wisper.
She looks up and I point behind her. "What?" She asks. "Turn around."
She slowly turns her head but as soon as she sees the other rappers she buries her face in my chest.
I just smile.

She's so embarassed, cute!

"Yah!! Why didn't you say anything... oppa..." she mumbles against my chest.

Is her face red? Or am I dreaming?

While looking at her, my smile grows larger.

"Umm... Loco. We need to continue filming." Jay hyung says.

Oh right!

I pick up SooJung's bag that is laying on the ground. "I'll bring her outside!" I take her hand in mine and walk out of the room.
She's still not looking up, SooJung's probably stil embarassed.
"Bye"she only says as we leave the room.

Her cheeks are pink, she looks so cute

I walk her to the exit of the studio and give her the bag.
"Don't worry too much. I'll help you and your mom!"
Soojung only nods.

I kiss her forehead befor she walks away.

Somehow, I'm happy.... I can date her with out destroying EVERYTHING!

I'll visit her as soon as possible. I need to make a plan how to help her mother.
She'll be my mother-in-law, I need to help her!
But at first, I need to finish recording.

>SooJung's POV<

After she arrived at her apartment

I take a water bottle out of the fridge and walk towards my bedroom.

This was so embarassing... why did they have to walk in in this exact moment? And why did Jay smirk like this?

Sitting on my bed, I open the bottle an drink a bit. Then I take my phone, unlock it and dial the number of my sister.
"Hey SooYoo, it's Soojung."
"Ah, hi unnie! How was SMTM?"
"I got eliminated."

Tears start to come into my eyes again.

"Really? You gotta be joking."
"No... how is mom feeling today?"
"Not so well."
"Yes unnie?"
"Is it okay if I come over?"
"Of course it is! I'm sure mom will feel better when you're here."
"Okay. I'll be there soon. Bye!"

I hang up and stand up from my bed.
After putting on a pair of shoes and my jacket, I grab my bag and my keys.

Befor leaving I look if I closed all windows. It started raining again a while ago.
What's with the weather today? Sometimes it rains and if not, the sky is still gray... this kind of weather doesn't really light up the mood of anyone...

>Loco's POV<

We just finished filming for today.

"Hyukwoo...  Are you two together now? S.J. and you?"
"I don't know... maybe... yes! Do you think the other boys were surprised?"
"Of course they were. They saw their producer and judge kissing a team mate. Wouldn't you be surprised too?"
"I hope they won't tell anyone." "Don't worry. I explained everything to them." "What did you tell them?" "That you two started dating without you knowing who she was and that she stopped the relationship because of SMTM. They were shocked but they all seem to accept it... they don't have a problem with this."
"Thanks hyung. I need to go now! See ya'!"

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