ch.11 ricu

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Arawen's pov

As I am laying in tyhe ircu Legolas is talking to one of the healers. I can't see what they are talking about but I see him. The healer gives a sign to his assistance and they all begin to crowd around me. One is sticking a needle in my arm another is washing me up and another is putting me in a surgical gown. I was very confused and dazed.

I look off to my right at the healer that was doing the IV and she was sticking some fluid in my IV and I being to become sleepy the darkness trying to pull me in.

The last thing I feel is Legolas kiss me!! The sweet embrace of my lover. Before I can even kiss back the darkness sweeps me away....

Legolas pov

I watch them take the love of my life away. My heart is hurting and every part of me says it should have been me not her!

I pace the floor waiting for her to come back...

It seems like hours pass until they finally roll her in.

She is laid out on the bed her golden brown hair all spread out. She still looks so beautiful. My eyes go down to her leg where the they made the incision her leg has a big line going down the outside and stitches. As I am getting down on her level I being to stroke her hair. While I am stroking her the healers are wrapping her leg and putting it in a cast and then in a protective boot.

I quit paying attention to the healers and start whispering things to my love. I tell her Gi melin (I love you) and that I want to stay with her forever. I even told her that I would never ever let anything happen to her and that we could be together forever and that I would never leave her because she is my love.

She makes a groan and I watch as her eyes start to open. Her eyes they begin to adjust to the light. The first thing that her eyes see is me. She looks at me and smiles she then sits up and and hugs me. She says don't leave me as a tear leaves her eye. I tell her I promise because Gi melin.

My love I shall be right back. She replies okay. Get some rest.

I walk over to one of the healers and ask them if she can come out of the rich. The healer replies let her stay here one night so we can observe her then she may go with you.

I walk back away from the healer and I go and assume my position right next to my love. I watch as her breathing slows as she goes into a deep sleep. I sit down in the chair next to her and I fall asleep. I let the darkness cradle me.

I wake up I look to see that arawen's gaze is fixed on me.
I decided to ask her whats wrong. She says oh nothing its just your blue eyes sparkle like the ocean. I laugh with her. I tell her that we r going to go to the river today where there will be a surprise.

I go and talk to the healer again and he says that I can take Arawen out of the rich.

I run and tell her the news. She perks up and puts on this great big huge smile. I pick her up off of her bed and take her towards the door. The healer then says I will have the medical supplies delivered to her room. We continue on down our path I take her down the hallway and out the main entrance. Where my father is standing waiting for me.

He sees Arawen and nods and says come see me later. Then he leaves.

I continue to carry Arawen towards the river and there the picnic is waiting for us as well as two horses one of which was equipped especially for arawen's leg.

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