Chapter 18

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Around 8.00 pm I rocked up at El Gato wearing a pair of light blue skinny jeans, a blood red vest top with gold buttons and my pair of ankle heeled boots with gold spikes at the back.

I climbed out of the car and made my way over to everyone who was standing in a huddle near their cars.

"Hey guys." I said greeting them with a wide smile.

They all went silent as if I had interrupted something that I shouldn't have, and gave each other wary looks.

After a couple minutes of silence I got the feeling that I wasn't welcome, which hurt knowing that just last night we were all laughing together.

"Alright I can take a hint. I'll leave you to your conversation." I said walking towards the diners entrance.

I got about three metres away before Mia caught up to me and grabbed my arm. 

"Lex don't worry about it, I swear. They were just talking about something that they don't want to worry you over." She explained rolling her eyes.

"What is there to be worried about?" I asked hoping that they had found out about Brian being a cop.

"Just Race Wars and money and bills. Stupid small things like that." She said brushing it off. "Come back so we can chill together."

We walked back over and Mia sat on the back of Vince's car.

"So when's Race Wars?" I asked slightly sighing at the consistent silence.

"Soon, I can't give you a day yet though." Dom said.

"That's cool." I said nodding my head. "Will you guys be competing?" I asked trying the exchange.

"Yep as always, what about you?" Vince asked moving closer to me.

Probably knowing I was uncomfortable.

"Yep and my babies going to smash every one of my opponents." I said winking at him.

"We are talking about a car here right?" Vince asked jokingly while giving the others looks.

I punched him in the arm playfully.
"Why would you even ask a question like that?"

"Well it's been seven years we don't know what you've been doing." He said waggling his eyebrow.

"True I mean in seven years I have become an international criminal, I have a child and I'm engaged to a serial killer." I said looking down at the floor trying to sell the act.

I looked back up to see the reaction on their faces.

Each one of them were shocked and eyeing off each other unsure of what to do or say.

"I'm kidding!" I said shocked that they would believe that I was an international criminal and engaged to a serial killer. "So where's Brian." I said changing the subject. 

"Well he was here but then he went to move his car and hasn't come back yet." Mia said, looking around.

"Don't you guys reckon we should look for him?" I asked confused.

"Yes! But Dom won't let me leave and no-one else really cares." Mia said with a surprising amount of attitude.

"Fine I'll go." Vince said storming off alone.

"Okay well that was strange." I said staring after him. "I'm going to grab a drink anyone want one?" I asked.

Everyone refused and returned to their conversations while Mia jumped off Vince's car and grabbed my hand following me into the dinner.

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