Chapter 22

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I've had many comments, asking to do some chapters in the point of views of characters such as Dom and Letty. If you want to I could put up a separate story. If you want to please comments so. I am still on the argument on if you guys want Dom to either end up with Letty or Lexi. Right now it's Letty=1. Lexi=2. come on people we can do better than this.


 I drove Mia home and didn't get out of the car until I knew for sure Dom wasn't home.

We walked inside, Mia went upstairs to put her things away when I stayed downstairs.

I noticed how untidy the place had got, poor Mia. She had to do all the cleaning herself in this big house. The others didn't worry about living in a mess.

"I'm sorry about the mess I didn't have time to clean. Do you mind if I do it now?"

"That's fine Mia, please, I'll help." I said.

"You don't have to." She said shaking her head at me as she picked up the basket off the floor.

"I don't mind helping you honestly." I said taking the basket off her hands beginning to pick up the blankets and odd clothing and other things that could be put in the washing machine.

I picked up all the rubbish while Mia put things away into cupboards. She vacuumed and I wiped down the surfaces, we were just doing the dishes when I saw Brian and Dom walk into the back garage.

"I should go." I said rushing to get my things.

"Lexi." Mia said softly.

I looked up to her eyes.

"Don't give him the power to scare you away."

"Mia the man I love accused me of trying to either kill them or arrest them this morning. What do you think I should do?"

"Stand your ground, make a point that it isn't going to get to you."

"Fine but if anything else happens I'm out of here."

"Of course."

Mia washed the dishes then ran upstairs to change into what she was wearing tonight for her date with Brian.

That ass. I wished so much that I could say something to stop him from doing, whatever it was he thought he was doing.

I put a plate away then grabbed the tee-towel and began drying a glass.

"Lexi?" Dom asked walking through the back door.

I took a deep breath and put on a small smile.

"Hey Dom. Brian." I said.

"What are you doing here?" Dom asked.

"Helping Mia with the dishes." I said continuing with the task at hand.

"Where is she?" He asked looking around pointing out the fact that I was doing the dishes alone.

"Upstairs getting changed for her date. Speaking of which. Brian you hurt her and I'll hit you with my car, then reverse over your dead body." I said.

Brian smiled and so did Dom.

"Dom was just giving me the same speech."

"Really? What he say?" I asked.

"You break her heart, I'll break your neck." he replied.

So true.

"You better believe it buster." Dom said.

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