Chapter 23

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Scanning through Gretel's files I failed to find anything that tied Dom to the robberies.

I couldn't even figure out how they came to him as a suspect in the first place.

My phone started ringing showing Gretel as the caller.

"Hello." I answered.

"Hey Lexi, did I wake you?" She asked.

"No it's fine, what's wrong?"

"The cars used in the robberies literally just passed me! They were pursuing a truck carrying electronics just as before." She said.

"What?! There's a robbery going on right now?" I asked standing up from my seat on the couch.

"Yes! They are in pursuit."

"Wait. Where are you? What is the context?" I asked walking over to the large floor to ceiling window I had in my living room.

"Oh sorry. Ah well I was on my way to Owen's place to collect the money he has gained from being here. I was stuck waiting for a roadwork truck, when the cars zoomed straight past me pursuing the electronics truck." She said I could hear cars in the background, so she must still be on the road.

"Can you see them now?" I asked, it was possible to get her to follow them at a safe distance to see if she could identify the robbers.

"No sorry they were on the other side of the road and were going pretty fast." 

 "Did you see anyone of the drivers?" I asked, just one I.D would be satisfactory.

"The windows were tinted. I'm sorry Lexi I'm not being much help. All I got was a quick video of the cars that I could take. It's a bit shaky but I'll send it through to you." 

"It's better than nothing. Could you send it to me after this call?"


"Have you done anything with this information?" I asked, I doubted that Owen would want to know but I wanted to keep the inside knowledge to a minimum.

"No. I was just about to. After you of course."

"Thank you, would you mind keeping this to yourself for now?"

"No worries Lexi."

"Okay bye." I said hanging up the phone.

I then dialled Vince's phone.

No answer.

Dom's phone.

No answer.

"Hmm two guesses to where they are. Dom what are you doing?" I asked myself.

I opened the message I received from Gretel.

Studying the video I realised that not only the circumstantial evidence of them not picking up the phones, but also the way they were driving, proved it was them.

I just couldn't fathom it.

Why after all this time would Dom stoop so low?

I thought pressing my head to the cool glass of the window.

Hadn't he learnt anything from our childhood?

Did he really think that if his father was alive today, that he would approve of his behaviour and his actions?

I know that I may be a hypocrite saying that Dom shouldn't be breaking the law in such a way. When I am doing things a lot worse.

But the difference between Dom and I is that, Dom has choices, whereas I do not.

I stashed away the files in my safe and uploaded the video onto my computer, deleting it from my phone.

Threw my clothes on the floor and changed into my pyjamas. I climbed into bed and let the thoughts and questions buzz around in my mind.

I was worried about Dom mostly.

Would Brian really arrest him?

Was Dom going to continue with the heists?

Why was he even doing this?

Would he make the choice to be with me?

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