Coming Close

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I fed Mr. Cuddles the breakfast of cat champions, Kat katoodle.

"All right Mr.Cuddles, I'm leaving for work now so make sure you guard the apartment okay?" Of course he didn't even look at me. I'm sure if people saw me talking to my cat they would think I was crazy, but that is how it is when you have no life.

My Name is Andrea Denai but my friends call me 'Drea'. I am a 31 year old, single black female that just goes to work and comes home. Pathetic? I know. Hence Mr. Cuddles. He gets most of my attention. My job gets the other part of that attention. I work at New Bridge, INC. It's an import/export business and I so happened to be on the board there. I am the one who gets our clients. It's a pretty exciting job but when it comes to having a life, mine is non existent. I, however, am happy with my life. It is simple and easy.

I head out for work with my sneakers over my stockings. I stuff my red pumps in a back pack with my Laptop already packed up inside. I blow a kiss to Mr. cuddles who just blinks sleepily and grab my keys and head toward the door. I lock the door and skip down my brownstone apartment stairs and take off down the street. Fixing the ear buds firmly in my ears, I turn on Musiq's "I Don't Want to Be Friends" to drown out the sounds of the city and pretend I am walking all by myself. My thoughts consume me. 'We have a new board member coming in today. Ugh! Most guys with the money he put into the company are a$$ holes. I could imagine him as some old man who feels he is high and mighty...' I cross the street at 25th and Main and turn down central drowning in my thoughts. The song goes off and I take the phone out to pick another song. I click through the songs just to see what I want to hear while listening to another song that I really can't stand... how did I get this song on there? I wasn't watching where I was going. I feel my foot going to step down but it never makes it. I am immediately yanked back. My body connects with a strong, hard body and that's when I look up to find windows of a speeding bus just a yard from my face. In the safety of those arms I watched as the windows passed by. The wind pulled my hair as the bus went by. I felt our bodies sway at the force of its passing. When it passed completely I stood there encased in the security of those arms shaking.

If he were to let me go just then I don't think I would be able to stand. My mind screamed out at me that I had just almost died. My teeth chattered uncontrollably with the shock of it all. I felt cold. I felt his tense body relax a bit behind me. The warmth of his body seeping into mine as we stood there silently taking in all that had happened. It felt like we stood there for hours before he began to withdraw. He turn me around in his arms and I allowed myself to be turned to see the man who saved my life.

I peeked at his face through my eye lashes. He had a pleasant smile on his handsome face and his kind eyes looked down on me gently as if asking 'are you okay?'

I lowered my face down feeling ashamed, scared, and still shaking. 'Dammit Drea! Pull yourself together.' One of his hands slid down my shoulder, to my upper back as if he was waiting for something. He then put his finger up under my chin. He pulled my face up. I began to really look at my hero. My eyes met with his and the weirdest thing happened. My stomach knotted up and my mouth went dry. His sexy brown eyes were accentuated by thick long black lashes any woman would kill for. His chocolate brown skin was smooth and clear and his jaw strong and angular. His lips thick and full but doesn't over take his face. I noticed his satiny light purple shirt tucked into neatly creased dress pants, kept together with a belt. His wrist adorned with a big watch like he was a very punctual person.I immediately got nervous so I went into 'flight' mode. "Umm... Thank You for.. umm.. saving my life..." I back up feeling a little over whelmed by his closeness. He smells so good. My foot slipped on the curb and I nearly toppled back into traffic. He grabbed me up again and pulled me close to his well form chest. I found his brown eyes looking at me quizzically. I held fast to him, he was so close and his body felt great around mine. I stepped to the side and smoothed wrinkles from my skirt that weren't there. My cheeks pink with embarrassment, "thanks again" a nervous laugh escaped my lips. His eyes bored in to mine and not wanting to seem afraid I stared right back.

He finally spoke "are you okay?" His warm minty breath and dark chocolate silky voice immediately calmed my nerves. I took a deep breath and relaxed. I let my eyes show my deepest appreciation for his help. "Yes. Thank you so much for caring enough to stop and help, I guess I've been here too long." I heard myself chuckle nervously. He didn't say anything he just looked at me. I started to fidget with nervousness.. He noticed my unease "Where u headed? Maybe I could give you a lift..." my eyes opened in shock. "oh.. well um thanks but it's okay really" I check the time and look back at the handsome stranger that I have just had more intimate contact with then anyone over the last two years. "well I really must run, I have to get on to work ..." I chuckle again and immediately got annoyed at how nervous I still sounded. He is still looking at me so I say a quick "thanks again" and jet across the street. On the other side I look back briefly to see him still staring at me. He was so tall that I could still make him out as I turned into the subway a New York block away.

David Jordan watched her slipping through the crowded street and into the darkness of the subway station. Thank God for his height. He was kicking himself for not getting at least her name. He groaned inwardly, if he was by himself he would have done a Homer Simpson 'DOH!' move. While he had originally set out to just help the woman who clearly wasn't paying attention, the moment her soft supple curves mashed into his male parts from the force of him pulling her into him he couldn't think straight. Then she had to turned around and look at him with those big mahogany brown eyes. You could see she smiled a lot from the corners of them. She smelled so good. What was that... Honeysuckle?! Jasmine?! His manhood was still at attention thinking about her. She fit so well like their bodies were made for each other. He looked up again as if she would be right in front of him then proceeded towards his car. He got into his BMW i350, and thought to himself 'just as fast as she was in his life she skipped out. No sense in pouting over it.' He started the car and it purred to life. He put it in gear and pulled off into the heavy traffic of Manhattan. 

Every once and an while he would smell her scent around him. It was very distracting. Maybe he had been single way too long but he had to focus so he shuffled her off to the back of his mind. 'I need to get mentally ready to talk to my new co-workers he thought. He stilled his mind and began to focus on the task at hand but in the way back of his mind she was still there smell and all.

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