The Newest Member

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I disappeared into the subway trying to get focused. My mystery man was still standing there when I had looked back just before I disappeared into the subway trying to get focused. I slipped into the shadows of the underground subway train. I ran for the subway after paying my way and jumped on just before the subway doors closed. My mind processed what just happened. Flashes consumed me of the bus and him. His smell, his arms, his hard sexy body pressed to my body. I gave an involuntary shudder. I don't know if it was because of him or the whole almost dying thing. It was a crazy morning so far and I hadn't even met the newest board member yet. I continued to think about how he/ she would be. Would he be like Tyler Sampson? I always have to set boundaries so he wouldn't over step himself. Would she be a cranky woman who feels like I should be the submissive...? I need not to think about those things. I was giving myself a headache. I hopped off the subway at 42nd and ran up the stairs out to the entrance of the subway. The darkness gave way to the light and the stale air of the subway lifted from my lungs as I stepped into the semi-clean air. I took an deep breath to calm myself and ran across the street extra careful of the traffic. I skipped up the stairs to the building I called my second home, two at a time.

It was a tall building of 25 floors. At the top of the building the words New Bridge decorated it in Red Lit letters with our Logo just above it on the top right corners of every side. I quickly climbed the next four stairs to the security landing. After a quick hello to security, I scanned my badge open the security doors, walked to the elevators. I then pushed the button to call it to me and waited. As I stood there, my mind began to wander. My memory brought me back to the near accident but this time my mind stayed on him. His arm wrapped tight around my waist, holding me to him. My juices began to flow with the memory of it. It was as if I could smell his same manly scent taking me to a seductive place that I hadn't been in years. the elevator beeped marking its arrival. I stepped on still in my seductive reverie when a hand grabbed the door. I rushed to hold it for the new comer when his scent assaulted me once more. I knew instantly that he was there before the chocolate silk of his voice reached me. "are you following me?" I looked up and there he was. My eyes must have shone the confusion because he smirked at me. "Umm... no. I work here. What are you doing here? Who are you?"

He chuckled "My name is David Jordan, the newest board member of New Bridge LLC. And You are...?" I try not to look shocked but I am. I put on my best all business voice.

"My name is Andrea Denai, I am One of the members of the board. I am in charge of marketing and sales. It's nice to finally meet you Mr. Jordan"

"The pleasure is all mine... Mrs. Denai?" I smiled, internally I laughed "No. It's just Ms." My eyes slip to his left hand briefly and I note he wasn't married. Just then the doors open and someone else enters on the fifth floor. "So do u always walk to work?" I laughed at that. "yes. I don't almost get killed though. Thanks again for saving my life"

"Don't mention it. The pleasure is all mine." I shivered at the implications behind his voice. Just those five words 'the pleasure is all mine' sent me on a mental seduction. F•@k, I hoped it was not something he could see. Was it me or was he flirting?

What the heck is wrong with me? Had it been too long? I had never reacted to someone like that much less someone I just met. The elevator had become a little hot and uncomfortable. Those thoughts took me to a place I hadn't been in a long time. Why now?! What was it about him?! I snuck a peek at his sexy lips. 'Goodness! I bet those lips would make me go crazy.' I felt all hot and bothered but just as I had began to feel unbearably uncomfortable to awkward the doors open with a ding. I tried not to run out. I gave a hasty "good morning" with a polite smile but he called to me. "Ms. Denai" I stopped and turned to him with a curious look. I reveled at how his sexy voice made my name sound delicious. "It was very nice to meet you. I look forward to working side by side with you" For some reason I felt like he was talking about something else or was it my over active imagination. Heck I'd just had a full 'suck me' fantasy about this... Beautiful stranger. I smiled and said "likewise, Mr. Jordan" with one last smile I turned and walked to my office. I was so tempted to turn and see if he was looking at me but denied myself the satisfaction. Little did I know that if I had, I would have seen his eyes appreciating the femininity that was me.

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