Invite me to dine

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We sat in amiable silence for the duration of the ride. I would sneak glances at his profile and every once in a while his eye would catch mine. He broke the silence "So where did u want to eat?"

"Do you like sushi? I know this great sushi place on 26th and park st."

"Sounds good. I haven't had sushi in a while. What other things do u like?" He queried

"Long walks on the beach... Just kidding. To be quite honest, I haven't really had a lot of time outside the office. It's like a second home."

"Oh? So no boyfriends then to beat me up when I drop you off?"

I laughed at that. "None. I do have a cat but he won't beat you up. Any girlfriends to show up at the job to scratch my eyes out?"

"No. Nobody. Not even a cat" He laughed.

Just then he pulled into the parking lot of the sushi place. It was a 'mom and pop' that I always frequented when in the mood for delicious food, good plum wine, and great ambiance. He came around to opened my car door. I stepped out of the car and he closed the door behind me. He walked beside me towards to restaurant and opened the door to the restaurant. The delicious smells wafted pass my nose and my stomach growled. I looked at him to see if he noticed but he seemed like he didn't thankfully. The waitress showed us to a booth and we slid in across from each other. She offered us hot towels for our hands which was refreshing. Then she took our drink orders before heading off.

"I'm impressed already."

"Great right!" I say enthusiastically. I look into his brown eyes and I could see the desire there. I hate to admit to myself but I'm afraid so I look away a little embarrassed. He grabs my hand. The warmth of his hand covers mine and I shiver.

"Are you cold?

"Umm... No. I'm just not used to being touched by a man. I mean one that I actually like."

"Speaking of men you don't like, what went on between u and Tyler?"

I scoffed "Not a damn thing! I've been trying to tell him to 'step off' for a while but he'd never listen. He's never gone this far before though. Heck! just today, I told him to stop and threaten to go to HR but he only got mad and left. I heard him talking on the phone to someone about me. Someone who could make my job harder. I have to assume it's someone higher than me."

"Hmm, that's curious. I know Matthew and he'd never condone this. Maybe I should call him back."

"Ok." I felt so relieved. Funny how this man made me feel so safe. He had saved me twice today and I had just only met him this morning. Someone I'd known for as I'd known Tyler made me fell very unsafe. Just thinking about him made me very uncomfortable.

I wanted to change the subject so I ventured to learn about him. "What things do u like to do?"

"I like to play basketball and football with the fellas on the weekend at the health center. Have you ever been?"

"Can't say that I have. I wouldn't mind going though."

The waitress came with our drinks and I immediately took a sip. The cool sweet liquid slid down my throat calming and relaxing me almost instantly. "Are you two ready to order?" She asked after placing the drinks in front of us.

"Ladies first"

She looked over at me expectantly. "Oh yes, can I have salmon sashimi and a spicy tuna roll please" She began to write it down on her tiny notepad, then turned and looked at David.

"I'll also have a salmon sashimi but I'd like the eel roll and the shrimp tempura." She put the notepad in her little apron after jotting his down and took our menus.

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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2016 ⏰

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