(Last Part!) Signs favourite movie genres

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Aires: Musicals

Taurus: Movies based off of books

Gemini: Sci-Fi

Cancer: horror

Leo: Romantic comedy

Virgo: Anything with dinosaurs

Libra: Anything that passes three feminist tests

Scorpio: Fantasy

Sagittarius: Historical Fiction

Capricorn: documentary

Aquarius: Anything in 3D

Pisces: Nothing because they fall asleep after anything longer than 45 minutes

Well that's the end of this book! I'm going to make a second one though so don't be sad! Unless you really didn't like this book, in which case, please don't bother posting any hate on this book or the next cause I'll just delete it. Sorry but I don't like hate.
Anyways, I hope you enjoyed reading this book as much as I enjoyed writing it because honestly, it was pretty fun and I'm proud of myself for completing it! If there's anything you want to see in the next book, just write a suggestion! Just a heads up though, I am taking a short break from writing for a few weeks but hopefully by early to mid February I'll be back!

Thanks so much to all my readers for reading this and I'll be back soon!


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