Chapter 2: The King's Workshop

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"Hello??" Cried out the King. The king stumbled to his feet, and looked around his surroundings. He was in a Cathedral. He recognized it as where he had originally met his wife, while on his travels. Where they had fallen in love. Cathedral Ward. He called out again, "hello?!" Only to hear his own echoes sounding in the darkness. "There was a man here.."said the king to himself. "Im sure of it. Where did he..oh god..did i...i killed him..i..was...i thought he was a beast..his" His rambling was interrupted by the sound of someone calling out for help.

"Helppp me" begged a raspy voice through the darkness. "Helppppp meeee" the king made his way through the cathedral, until he stumbled upon, a grotesque mass of flesh and bones, barely covered by a robe. What was worse, the cries for help were coming from within the robe. "Help me please,"

The king, terrified as well as disgusted, stared at the creature is it repeated its pleas. "What..are you?" Asked the king softly.

" a caretaker..of the church..but i hurt...soo very me..please?" The king drew his sword. Surely it was asking to be put out of its misery. A corruption of life, so like the monsters he had set out to kill, with his men. He plunged the sword into the head of the creature, where it gurgled and gasped, writhing, and convulsing until it was finally still. A red mist, drifted out from within the creatures robe and entered the King's body. The king made his way down the hall, and came onto an elevator. He activated it, and as it rose to the top, he heard the sounds of growling. He stepped off the elevator and into a room, where a man sat in a wheelchair. The man turned, revealing a large machine gun, that began spraying bullets at the king. He dodged to the side of the man, and swung his sword, slicing the man's throat. The man growled and fell, slumped over.

The king made his way out of the room, and came to a bridge that had more disfigured people lurking. They began firing at him, and the king slipped in between the shots, dispatching the abhorrent beasts, before being knocked off of a short ledge. He landed on a short platform, before he realized he was actually high up on a tower. He made his way around the side, and found a room, that looked to have a 10story drop, with only a handful of broken wooden bridges separating him from the corpses at the bottom.

"Come to me dear king" whispered a soothing voice. The king spun around but there was noone there. "Down here" it directed. He looked down, and near the bottom of the tower he saw a door, hidden away. There was no safe way down, so the king leapt from his platform, and landed on another damaged wooden platform.

"Aagh" cried out the king as pain shot up through his legs.

"Hush now, Dear King" soothed the voice."blood loss, but blood heals.." The king looked around and saw a satchel laying on the ground,next to the corpse of dead hunter. He rifled through it and saw syringes containing a red liquid.

"Blood.." Said the King, quietly to himself. He remembered blood healing..A radical new medicinal practice. It healed almost everything, and was instrumental in the war against the beasts of Yharnam. It was also the source of the plague that had destroyed so many lives.

"Take the blood within yourself" urged the voice.

"And become a monster?" Asked the King, studying the syringe..

"Become what you hunt" whispered the voice. The King took a deep breath, and jammed the syringe into his leg, injecting the blood. Immediately he felt the intoxicating rush, as the blood mended his damage tissue, and forced new oxygen into his lungs. He pocketed the rest of the blood vials, and hopped down one more level to where the door was. He pushed it open, and walked down a short tunnel, towards a light.

"Welcome hunter" whispered the voice, as the king neared the exit to the tunnel. "To the hunters workshop"
The king, shielding himself from the light, found himself in a beautiful garden, and in the distance was a small house sitting on a hill top.

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