Chapter 2

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Gabby's P.O.V

"Alright!" My boss Kevin threw a file of papers on the desk. Joe and I stood there confused. Kevin pulled out an unfamiliar picture of a woman.

"Her name is Sophie Rodriguez, 19 years old. She's from Dominican republic. She moved here 5 years ago and became a prostitute for some man named Graven maters. A 57 year old. Then she died 2 days ago. We found her dead body in Burke's City lake."

"What does this concerns us on?" I asked.

"Well, Gabby this mission is going to concern you more."
He pulled out pictures of the dead girl's body. She was full of cuts all over.

"What's my job?" I looked at him with fierce.

"I need you to act like a prostitute for 2 days and track down details about this Graven guy."

"Wow. I really wasn't expecting that."

"Now you do."

"So you want me to figure out if Graven Maters is a killer?"


"Am I going to be making love to a 57 year old man?" My face grew in disgust.

"Don't all men want their woman to make love to them?"

"Really Kevin?"

"I'm just messing with ya. Seriously, I don't know what he's going to do with you, so stay awake. We're going to change your look".


"Your face is going to be masked into a different realistic female face, in case any of them recognize you."

"That's pretty cool".

"Yeah. Your name is May Everton. Your from France, which means you have to act like your from there."

"I can do that".

"Now for you, Joe. Your going to be a Bartender guy at "Maters Elite".

"The old man even got his own bar?"
Joe asked with shock.

"He's a millionaire. I need you to start working there with a 3 hour shift. Which means 7-9 o clock pm. Make sure your watching Gabs. As soon as she leaves with Mr. Maters your following them at the end of your shift. Got it?"

"Yes sir" Joe agreed.

"Now you two are going to get a makeover. Don't forget your undercover. Don't blow me out now."

Joe and I both nodded our heads.

"Go". He gestured us pointing his head in the left direction.
Joe and I left to go get our makeover done.

"Have a seat here" Jess my makeover stylist said.
I sat where she told me.
It took hours before I finished.
When I finally finished she told me to look at the new me. I went to the mirror and everything changed.
I had blonde short extensions, brown contacts when I had hazel eyes, my face was covered with makeup, and I wore black 5-inch heels with a short club dress that exposed my whole back.

"Oh my" I heard Joe say. I turned around and he looked slight different. He only had a beer and mustache to make him look 30 when he was only 25 unlike me I was 24.
"You look kinda different as well" I said to him.

"I don't even know who you are anymore" he looked shocked.

"Well..that's the point isn't it?"

"Yeah it is....uh..anyways are you ready to leave?"


We walked out of the NCIS department and got into a regular car, Kevin let us use for the 2-day mission.

"So... Are you prepared for this mission?" Joe asked slowing down at the red light.

"Of course I am. Maybe a little nervous. I've never been on this type of mission before."

"I haven't either."

"So where are we heading?"

"At the club of course. But I won't be there to apply the job yet. I have to look after you." He laughed.

"Why are you laughing?"

"Because your going to be making love to an old man who's going to be your sugar daddy with gray hair and wrinkly skin."

"Joe! That's disgusting! And plus I have a mask on. That doesn't mean he's going to kiss my actual lips."

"Whatever" He said playfully.

We got to the club and Joe and I went our separate ways. I entered it and it looked wild. That's because I've never really been to a club. I put my mini ear piece device on so I can hear everything Joe says to me.

"Graven Maters is on your left". Joe said through the earpiece. I looked on my left and there he was with a couple of his hoes. Yes his hoes. I'm only going to be his hoe for a week.

"Come on. Sugar daddy is waiting for ya." Joe said.

"Joe your going to die if you don't stop calling him my sugar daddy."

I walked up to Graven Maters and smiled my best at him. He was old and had wrinkly skin, just like what Joe said.
He looked at me and placed his drink on the table pushing the other girls away.

"Hellooo and you are?" he said.

"May, May Everton. Youz must be Graven." I said in my best French accent.

"Yes. Yes dear I am. Why don't you come sit here with me?" He smiled.
I sat next to him and he looked at me from head to toe.

"Want a drink?" He asked.
Uh oh what do I say I never really drank in my life.

"Wee water please."

"Oh no honey, want a cocktail?"

Then Joe said in my ears.
"Come on. I know you don't drink but you have to do something."

"I know. I know." I said forgetting I'm undercover.

"Excuse me?" Graven said.

"Oh Mr. Graven, I meant I know I should get a drink. Your so right." I said.

"Sure. Philip! Come get my lady a drink." He yelled.
Wow this man is really rich. He even have his own server.
The man who he called Philip brought me a cocktail and I pretended to drink it when Graven looked away. He finally glanced at me. I was so concerned that I took a sip of the cocktail. Uh oh!
It didn't taste so bad. It was alright. So I took two more sips and placed it on the table.

"Come May." He lead me to his million dollar limo and opened the car for me to sit in. Oh no he's going to make old man love to me.

"May, I want to give this to you." He pulled out a box and gave it to me. I opened it and it was a necklace. It was so beautiful holding an expensive necklace with real diamonds.

"Oh my. So beautiful Graven." I said to him still playing along with my accent.

"Aww sugar daddy gave you a gift. I can see you smiling right now."
Joe said.

I wanted to kill him so bad.

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