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I sucked in a breath, walking over to the guy who had caught my attention with full intent on getting to know him these few months I would be stuck here.

"Hi, I'm Teagan." I introduced bravely with a small smile. The wind around me was pretty chilly from the lake nearby and I gently rubbed my arms as he looked back at me.

People didn't exactly intimidate me. They were just people, after all. I didn't get embarrassed because I didn't see the point in letting other people's opinion on you affect how you feel about yourself.

The boy appeared a bit shocked at first that I had approached him, but soon regained his composure and spoke with a low voice. "I'm Harry, it's lovely to meet you. This is your first year at Camp Summerset right?" He questioned kindly, his sentences neat and well structured. Almost as if he thought me to be the grammar police and with one misstep his grammatically incorrect presence would be thrown into the pits of hell.

Harry, that was a very pretty name to match a very pretty boy.

"Yea it is. My grandparents forced me to come. What about you, who's making you stay here for the summer?" I questioned with a small laugh to which he knitted his eyebrows, clearly not getting the 'joke'.

"What do you mean? I love it here, I've come ever since I was a young lad. I was baptized in that lake over there three years ago." He stated.

Wow, he was not at all how I thought he would be. Definitely not a bad boy, Harry the church boy more like.

"Oh, that's nice. I'm an atheist." I said, definitely getting the reaction from him I expected. Wide eyes and red cheeks as he looked at me like I had grown two heads. He was probably homeschooled and had never seen an atheist in his life.

Harry scratched the back of his neck nervously, probably looking for something clever or kind to say before I burst out into laughter.

"You're looking at me like I'm an alien or something. Quite rude really. Not very Jesus like." I said and he still looked confused out his mind.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to stare I just- I'll be praying for you Teagan." He gestured kindly, laying a hand on my shoulder. The fuck was this kids problem, he didn't even know me. I didn't need his prayers, I needed his dick.

I was about to shake off the limb but soon heard a girly giggle from behind us as we both turned to look at the person responsible for the noise.

"You're stupid." The young girl bluntly told Harry and I suppressed a laugh. I wasn't quite sure what the intentions behind her words were just yet.

"Why's that Lilly?" Harry kindly questioned the redhead who rolled her eyes as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"Well, you can't possibly think she cares that you're praying for her when she's an atheist? Duh!" She quirked before walking away and I shrugged.

"Girls got a point," I said.

Harry grabbed onto his cross necklace tightly. "I'm still praying for you."

"Whatever floats your dick, Harry," I spoke with a side smirk and his eyes widened at my choice of words.

"That's not's boat! It's not d- the dirty d-word. It's whatever floats your boat. Public school kids." He scoffed, rolling his eyes.

"Homeschooled?" I questioned, my eyebrows raised. "Of course you are."

He glared at me, "Yes and I am a lover of our savior Jesus Christ. You sure could use a daily dose of his sacred word, that's for certain. No wonder you were sent you here. My parents would be livid if I went around proclaiming myself as an atheist as if it was done and decided we didn't have a creator of this entire planet."

He did have a bit of a point. But it didn't matter, by the end of this summer, Harry wasn't going to be the sweetened little church boy he was today. Nope, I would unhinge all his innocent boundaries and reveal the true persona of Harry Styles.

"Hm. Alright Harry, let's make a deal then. Over the course of the summer, I'll let you tell me about Jesus and God and stuff if you promise to let me teach you a few things as well." I proposed.

"What...kind of things exactly?" He questioned, probably not having a clue in space what I really meant.

"Oh, just a few things."

He smiled holding out his hand for me to shake. "Alright, I'm all for bringing a person to know Christ."

I grinned back with mock innocence, shaking his outstretched hand. "Okay Harry, but you'll have to really open up to me. I know I'll certainly be opening up to you."


Wow, can't believe I have over 100 reads on just the first chapter that's crazy 🙈 hope Y'all enjoy this. Comment /vote I love you xx

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