4. Welcome Home

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My hand in his Tori led me through this foreign place that was my lost home. As I walked people dropped what they were doing to stare. "Don't worry." Tori murmured. "They are just shocked."

We soon arrived at a house. A very large house. A five story villa. It seemed to have that same feel of that ancient city from the Otherworld, except with an even stronger east Asian influence. I wondered if this was the equivalent to a pack house.

We entered and people began to stare once more. I also noticed the growing crowd following behind me. I wondered if this was what celebrities went through. As we made our way to an unknown destination inside I found that certain people were wearing silk garments. They resembled the ones you saw royalty wear in ancient China or Korea.

I tugged on Tori's sleeve. "Hey. Is there some kind of court here?"

He nodded. "Yes. The people you see wearing robes are court officials."

I hummed. "So this is that kind of place." The kind where men court their women, and women need the approvals of their fathers in order to get married. The kind where reputation is everything.

"Close." He'd been reading my mind again. "Reputation is important but it is not everything. People are allowed to marry outside their class without being criticized. They just have to be a good match." My hold tightened involuntarily. "Don't worry, Princess. Most of the time their marriages are approved."

"What about ours?" I asked softly. It was an embarrassing question so my cheeks warmed a bit.

"As the princess, you are free to choose who you please and the people will have to accept it."

That wasn't what I meant. I meant to ask-

"Our marriage will definitely be approved of." I heard him say. "I've been with you ever since I was three after all." He suddenly stopped. His back no longer faced me and his hands cupped my face. "You're the love of my life. Anyone who says we can't be together can suck it."

I laughed at that. Modern terms sounded so odd coming from him. "You're so weird, Tori."

"You know you're the only person to ever say that to me?" He replied with a smirk.

I shrugged. "But I'm probably not the only person to think it."

Slowly his smile disappeared, leaving a thin line and passionate colored eyes. I started to ask him what was wrong but I never got the chance. He tenderly claimed my lips and again I felt my cheeks get hot. We were making out in the middle of the hall while everyone watched. How was that for a first impression?

But as he deepened the kiss I realized that it was necessary. People needed to understand that I was his and he was mine. All mine.

Reluctantly I broke the kiss. "We should stop now." Otherwise our audience would witness something that they wouldn't want to see.

His breath came out just as labored at mine. "Let's get you to the elders."

We passed two more rooms before finally coming to a halt. Tori knocked twice before sliding the door open. Three men, who'd obviously been talking animatedly, looked shockingly at me.

"Princess Walker?"


"The princess has returned!"

The three of them bowed their heads. "Welcome home."

I was stunned. Although I was used to clan members lowering their heads, this threw me off. Maybe it was because I hadn't expected them to treat me with so much respect the moment I arrived. Or maybe it was because they clearly knew me even though I had no clue who they were. I looked to Tori.

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