5. Bonfire

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The party started at dawn. It was well into the night now, yet they continued to party as though it was the beginning. No. Not they. My people.

A bonfire had been lit in several places, as everyone sang, danced, and talked with one another around it. A type of music I couldn't identify was being played by a live group. I found myself humming to the melody.

"I figured you would be here."

My lips curled upward at the sound of his voice. It was an automatic reaction. Something I couldn't control.

If you're wondering where I am, I was sitting at the very top of a hill, observing the crowd. As much as I didn't mind being around people, I liked to be by myself more. I've always been like that. Parties made me feel alienated, but I still went because being around others helped me forget the bad. It was like I was absorbing the emotions of people around me. Times like this being an empath was a gift.

I smiled as I looked below. "They certainly are having fun." I told him.

"Yes. They are." There was a comfortable silence. "Have I mentioned how ravishing you are today?"

My heart skipped, but of course I had to play it off. Even though our feelings for one another was mutual, it was always my first instinct to hide it in order to keep from getting hurt. And being lovey-dovey just wasn't exactly in my personality.

I smirked. "I can't say. I haven't seen you all night." Every time he managed to find me, he would suddenly get carried away by some one else.

I didn't have to see him to know he had raised his eyebrows. "Are you jealous?"

"Obviously." I didn't miss a beat. I learned a long time ago that it was much easier to be honest when I didn't take a moment to analyze my thoughts. It was the first thoughts that were the most truthful. His amusement fueled my dull mood. He was enjoying it.

He chuckled and I almost smiled. Almost. "Of course, I am." He'd been listening to my thoughts again. "It makes me happy."

I glared at him. "My suffering makes you happy?"

His eyes twinkled in response.

I turned my attention back to the party below us. I cracked my fingers. "It's not fair that all of them get to dance with you yet I haven't even had one. I ought to give them a piece of my mind. Taking m-"

Some point during my rant Tori had closed the distance, smashing his lips onto mine, and interrupting my rant. His hand palming my neck, he bit my lip to ask for entrance. I accepted. His tongue danced with mine and I moaned at the taste of him. Tori's kisses were always so passionate and addicting. I always wanted more. When he broke the kiss I swear my heart was beating so loud that everyone at the bottom of the hill could hear it. My eyes slowly opened and I nearly gasped. His beautiful hazel eyes held me hostage.

Whenever Tori looked at me it was always with raw emotion. It sent my heart sprinting and I suddenly wondered how fast your heart has to beat before its a heart attack.

"I am jealous as well, Mistress."

A couple of hours ago...

"Shall we go?" Tori asked me, pulling away slightly so that he could see my face. We were still in my new bedroom. We hadn't moved since Kisa, the girl who had helped me pick a robe, walked in on us.

I bit my lip and muttered something on the lines of not wanting to go anymore. There was something about Tori that made you content as long as he held you in his arms. Not you, of course. Me.

He chuckled. I shivered. "We have all night for me to do that. For now, we must pay our respects, Angel."

Sensing my unease he tiled my head so that I was looking at him. "Baby, what's wrong?"

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