Trip to the ER

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An ambulance bring Jess to the ER, she was giving her concert, when she start to feel dizzy with Nausea  thing that make her stop and sitting for a while, but start singing again and again till she fall down, because she can not holding longer, she  felt the need to throwing out but she handle because she was in her concerts in front of millions heartbeats, so she fainting snd hitting her forehead, Cassie was there and she runs over Jess " an ambulance, an ambulance  please" so a Jess's fan call to the ambulance and take her to the ER.

Cassidy arrived with Jess to the ER in the ambulance , once there the Doctor Steve attend her quickly, and ask some question to Cassidy.... "Is she pregnant?" "Yes" "how many week she has?" "12 week pregnant" "she is mom to be for first time?" "Yes sir" " okay I will back to you in some minutes" "but...she will be fine and the baby?" " She will be ok, but my worried is the baby, I will do everything I can for keep the baby safe, but she need to rest, the baby is still so little like a lemon size, she must taking care" "I will taking care of her, I am like her sister but Jess is so tough" "ok I will call you when I finish with her" "ok doc, thank you"

Cassie was calling to Luke but him didn't answer the call "must be very busy" then she call to Jess 's mom "good afternoon" "hi Sara" "Cassie, sweetheart how're you?" " well Im ok" " what's going on, I surprised that you call me" " well mom, is about Jess" "what happened with my sweetie pie?" " she is on the ER, I am with her" " Oh god what happened, tell me she ok?" "Well not really, happened that she was in her concert, she has 12 week of pregnancy, i am not sure what was happened, Just come to mi mind that she fainted and was not feeling well but she continued her concert, than she fainted and hit her forehead, the doctor is attend her right now, but he told me that she will be fine" " Oh my god, my little bird, how the baby doing?" " I don't know vow is the baby, but the doctor said that he will do anything he can for keep the baby safe, I am worried, I hope she and the baby doing well" " I hope too child, thanks for let me know, please take care of her, she just have you there, you're the only family of her" " I will" "thank you mama" "always"
Then the doctor call to Cassie and told her "you can entered and be there with her" " the baby and her are ok?" " yes both are ok, but Jess need rest for the baby and for her, she will wake up in a few hours" "thank you doctor" "then when She wake up  I'Ll make her a sonography for watch the baby"    "Aww, cant wait!!
Cassidy was there watch Jess about 2 hours, she took Jess's hair very tender, and smiling while she watch her sleep...."oh Jess, don't scare me anymore" in that Jess complaining a bit "shhh I'm here jess, don't worry" then she woke up a little confused with a terrible headache and Nauseas.

" (touch her forehead).....Cassie...."
"Hey Jess, welcome back... Lol"
" aaggghh my head is killing me"
"Its normal"
"(Looking around her).... Where I...I am?"
"In the ER, Jess don't scare me like that anymore, why you keeping singing if you was feeling dizzy with nauseas, almost throwing out, why you don't stop?, you have a life inside you, you need rest, for you and the baby on board"
"Because.... I need to be strong for my heartbeats, I can't let them saw me sick"
"Oh Jess, look they will love you any decision you make it, if they really love you they won't get mad or cranky, because They love you, but right now you need to think on you health and baby health is your priority"
"I don't want to leave my concerts, I want it still singing to them, I wanna still be me, i don't wanna change my life for nothing, because that life that I have right now, was my dream since I was little girl"
"I know that duuh, you won't change your life, you will still singing for them, but right now you need rest, at least till you have around 20 week pregnant, the baby in your belly is very little like a lemon size and any bad step can cause you a miscarriage, then you will be very sick for some month, and can hurt you, And I think that you wont be sick on bed with pain right?" " I don't want that!!" 

Part II

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