See you by first time (8 month Pregnancy)

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Part IV

I saw in 3 month that Luke and I can't be together, so we were make the decision to be apart, Luke in his world and I on my own world thinking on my lil princess, I would permit him to saw our baby when she born and when she growth we will share c...

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I saw in 3 month that Luke and I can't be together, so we were make the decision to be apart, Luke in his world and I on my own world thinking on my lil princess, I would permit him to saw our baby when she born and when she growth we will share custody but while the baby is little  I will stay with her

I am turned 8 month of pregnancy, is almost the time for saw my little princess, have her in my arms and taking care of my lil princess :P, but I am very nervous about it, Cassie staying with me in my Apartment, because she wants take care of me, I was taking a warm shower, with the bathtub full of water with foam with Rose petals, I start Talk with my little princess. "Hey lil princess in there, you know mommy loves you, and once you born I will be the most happier woman in life, cause I will have you with me finally" The baby was moving, give her a kick "Ouch, oh my....hey baby, u hurt me, make me pee, Lord" then I go out from the bathtub, I put comfy clothe on me and I lay down on my bed, reading a book call "How to be a good parent" then I fall slepp, i am trying to sleep the more a can because when my princess is born I will not slepp as much as want, but that is not a problem because I will be so happy when I got her in my arms 😍

Cassie was making something to eat on the kitchen, I was on the room then my phone ringing and was Luke! What the hell he wants? But I took the phone anyways cuz he is the dad of my lil one  ̄ˍ ̄..... Hello. " hey Jess" hey Luke, that is a surprise that u call me, I stay understood that you do not want to know about me. " I never said that" "you said that, u dont remember" "no Jess, I call you no for fighting, I call you because I wants to know when my daughter will be born and that's" "now you're interesting right". "I always interesting on my kid" "yeah right, well, our daughter is supposing to be born in 3 more week" "ok I will be on the hospital then" "ok Luke" when him hangoff the phone a start crying because I still love him but he dont want me on his life I cant force him to be with me if he dont want it, ˋ﹏ˊ I was laying down on my bed cassie entered with some orange juice "hey Jess, are u ok?" "yeah I think" "hey, what's wrong babe? "Luke call me" "what?" "yeah he wanted to know whe my baby is born"

has passed about 2 week and Jess start to feel  anxious because the baby is coming soon, sometimes when she feels to run to the bathroom, she cant pee or sometimes she cant stop so she get scared,  cassie was with her. "are u ok Jess?..... I think I broke water. "What?" " yes I cant stop peeing😧! " "dont be dumb xD is bc the baby make preassure in your bladder, u have 8 month and is normal" "Okay I think I finish" 😩 "okay"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2016 ⏰

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