Trip to the ER (See You for first time)

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Part III

Jess was mentally tired, tired of being in the hospital, eating disgusting food that she hated, no longer know what to think or what to do, wanted to do concerts but did not want to have a miscarriage and hurt the baby she is carrying, Cassie was there, she stay with Jess all day long, in the morning Cassie goes to her apartment take a warm shower then go back to the hospital where Jess is...."what will do Jess, what I can do"Jess between thoughts fall sleep, she didn't make any decision yet, while Cassie was walking to get in the hospital, Luke call her cellphone, she saw the number and take it

"Hey Cassidy"
"What's up Luke?"
"I was calling Jess's phone but she didn't answer it"
"she can't take calls"
"But Why?"
" because she is in the clinic since Saturday"
"What? Why? Is she ok and the baby?"
"Yes healing both"
" what's wrong? What happened with her?"
"She was making her concert as always, she was dizzy with Nauseous, she hold it and then she fainted, hit her head and the doctor had to sew the her wound, and check out the baby to see if the baby are is healthy"
"poor baby of mine"
"You need to be here, she need your support, she need you Luke, she is passing by an emotional time, she need you in her side, cares of her, kissing her,Hugging her, understand her"
" I know, I know, I behaved like a fool when she told me about the pregnancy, I want that she apologise me, I will be there tomorrow Midday, We need to talk, and make decisions"
"Yes you was a fool, she's still resentful with her reason"
"I know, I feel bad about it, she's still my baby"
"And she still loves you, but you know she is passing by hormonal change, she has bad days and good days, you need to relax and make her happy, her body is passing by change, some days she will be fine, some days happy, some days she will need patience.
"Aww my girl"

Then Cassie arrived to the hospital and entered to Jess's room  to check out her, she saw Jess sleeping, so she sit down and taking care of her, after 3 hours she wake up, Cassie was touching jess's hair. "hey morning" "morning Cassie" "how do you feel babe?" "Tired" "lol" "I know right, but I am tired to being on the hospital, in this big white room, I just want get out of here" "you will in two more days" "why the doctors stop me here?" "Because they make you some blood test, between other test" "but, why?" "They want to know if you're all healthy and baby too" " well, Do I have another option?" "No Jess" " I know is sucks" "Luke call me" " What he said" " He recognizing that behaved like a fool with you, when you told him about the pregnancy, he wants that you apologize him, and want talk to you" " I just want no to know about him" "Jess, he wants apologize with you, I think you need to listen him" "well, ok I will talk to him" "That's my girl" Jess smiling at her.

Then the doctor entered to Jess's room to check out her "Hey Miss cornish, how do you feel today?" "Healing" "that's good, so I will check you out to see how's the baby doing, and we will see if You can get out today from here" " I wish, Im tired being in this white room" "I know" "so let see, Miss Cassidy I need to be alone with Her for a moment, I will check out her, you know" " Yes sir" "can she stay with me, I'm a little afraid" " Ok then, come down here Miss Cassidy" "ok sir" " Ok Jess, the test that I will do right now, will be a little uncomfortable, I will do some press in your belly. And with this syringe I'll get your placenta fluid to see if all good with the baby, breath deep" Jess breath deep and the doctor continue with the process, Jess complaining a little bit and he stops " relax Miss Cornish, it will be fine is ok,  Do not squeeze the muscles so they do not get hurt". Was hard to Jess to relaxing, but Doctor Steve took the fluid. "Good girl, you can go to the washroom and flush yourself" "thanks doctor Steve" "i will be back in a while"

Jess was on the washroom, while Cassidy was in the room, then Jess was out "are you alright Jess?" "Well, healing I bet, but that was embarrassing, he was check on me, I was feeling everything down there" "lol, of course you were, he was touch you everything" "damn"  while she resting the doctor entered to het room "Ok Miss cornish, everything is good with you and the baby, you can get out today, but you must rest, I will be see you again in 3 week,  to check out the baby to see the baby gender" "aww"

Jess is now out of the hospital, she arrived to her hotel, take a warm shower with the bathtub full with rose scented, then she get out from the bathtub and took a Tea with Cassie and some sweet crackers.

End part III

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