XXI. Lose You

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Minho's POV

I shoot straight out of bed the instant I'm awake. I look at my watch, two hours before the doors open. This is going to be the longest two hours of my life. I wake the others before heading off to breakfast. No one speaks to us when we enter and the dining hall is unusually quiet, no one is in a talking mood this morning. Except Jess, who has been screaming her head off from the slammer for the past ten minutes. If she doesn't shut up soon, I might have to make her.

I get up to leave, really just to go sit in front of the doors for the remaining hour. I'm almost through the door when I spot something that nearly breaks my heart. Sitting on the edge of the counter is a plate of food, wrapped in plastic with a note attached. The note reads:

Reserved for Skylar

I almost break down, frypan is saving her food; he believes she will make it. He notices me staring and nods his head, "Bacons her favorite, she'd be mad if she missed it." He says giving me a tight lipped smile, before returning to his work.

For the longest hour in my existence, I sit or stand in front of the doors, fidgeting with my knife. Newt paces back and forth, which is driving me crazy. Mal and Kate stand silently side by side, uncertainly watching the doors.

Finally after what seems like centuries, the doors begin to crack open. A crowd of gladers makes a semi-circle behind us, everyone is tense. My heart is in my throat, part of me desperately wanting the doors to hurry up and open, but scared of what I might find. My entire body is a ball of energy as the doors split apart, revealing the maze.

I almost double over and puke, she is not there. Of course she's not, I should have known. Part of me isn't ready to except it yet, maybe she's out there still alive somewhere. But I know better, if she was alive, she would be calling for us. I'm about point two seconds away from collapsing when a familiar voice stops me in my tracks.

"Miss me shuck-face?"

Skylar's POV

I step unsteadily out from behind the wall, facing the crowd of nervous gladers waiting at the door. I spot Minho standing in the center looking sick, his face is pale and he looks terrified. I feel bad for him, I wonder if he slept at all.

"Miss me shuck-face?" I call out, a smile breaking across my face. I made it, I'm here standing in front of the people I love and care about, I have not lost them. Minho's head snaps in my direction, followed by everyone else's. The look on his face is pure shock, mixed with relief. I know I must look awful, my shirt, only a crop top now, is soaked in sweat; Blood, griever oil, and dirt cover ninety percent of my body.

"Sky!" He shouts, his eyes widening in surprise. Minho runs straight for me, wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me against him, and to my surprise, in front of every single glader, he presses his lips to mine. I close my eyes and wrap my arms around him. I forget about the pain, the terror, I feel nothing but the bliss of his mouth against mine, our lips moving in perfect sync. His hands move along my back pulling me closer, like he's afraid I'm an illusion.

"You're alive." He gasps, squeezing me tight against his chest, it hurts like heck, but I'm just glad to be back with him.

"Ahem." Newt coughs, breaking up the moment. We turn to face him, but Minho keeps one arm securely around my back. Which is good, considering I would probably collapse if he wasn't holding me up. I look over at Minho, who is looking down at me in horror.

"What?" I ask, my head beginning to spin. Then I notice what he is staring at, his other hand, which he just pulled away from my back, is covered in blood, my blood. "Oh, that." I say answering my own question. He grabs me and pushes me away from his body to look at my back.

"Shuck it, sky we need to get you to the med-jacks, Now!" Minho says. I don't protest. He starts to walk away and I grab his arm for support. He turns back to me, looking terrified at this point, and scoops me up in his arms bridal style, before jogging towards the med-jack room. Newt and a few others follow close behind.

I smile despite everything, remembering the way we met, and how it felt when he carried me. Today it hurts like crazy and today it wasn't his fault, but the similarities are there all the same. If I'm dying I might as well enjoy my last minutes right?

We reach the med-jack room and he gently lays me on the cot, before stepping to the side. He takes my hand in his, "it's ok, it's gonna be ok." He whispers as Clint starts trying to stop the blooding gushing from the wound on my back. I think he's talking more to himself than me.

"How bad is it?" I ask through clenched teeth, not sure I want to know the answer. I'll be in serious danger of infection, even if Clint manages to stitch me up and stop the bleeding.He doesn't answer, he just shakes his head and puts a finger to his lips, telling me to be quiet. It's never good when the 'doctor' won't answer you.

"Minho, how bad is it?" I ask redirecting my question, Minho has never been one to sugar coat things.

"It's bad." He says honestly, "but you'll survive....you have too." He whispers, again saying the last part more to himself than to me. I wince as Jeff, the other medjack starts wrapping my wrist.

"Sorry." He yelps backing up.

"Don't mind me just fix it!!" I yell, frustrated. That's when I feel the first stitch go into my back, the pain is excruciating, and I'm pretty sure fixing the cut hurts worse than getting it did. Spots swim in my vision as the second stitch goes in, the world spinning in circles as the pain shoots daggers into my brain.

"Newt...killed..them, go..check.." I gasp wanting to make sure someone knows this before I pass out.

"Bloody What?" Newt asks looking utterly confused.

"Dead...Grievers....I...killed them...study them..figure out..." I can't finish, seconds later, my world goes dark.

At least I'll die here, with my friends, rather than alone in the maze.

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