Chapter 1

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This is my first fanfic, hope you enjoy! ;)

Chapter 1

Emma's P.O.V


''So good to seen you!''

''You are the most beautiful then ever''

''Give kisses''.

My aunts. The sisters of my mother and the in-laws of my father. If I had to describe them in one word it would probably be 'crazy'. Maybe even mental...

They're obsessed with alcohol and partying (even at their age), and enjoy putting our family to shame. Their hobbies: humiliating me, laughing at people and judging people by their looks...and eating. I honestly don't know how they're related to my mother.

They're embarrassing, loud and have no shame. They are Greek, and spent most of their lives in Greece which is why their english isn't so good. My mother, on the other hand is Greek but surprisingly very well with english... mainly because she moved to London after marrying my father and was immediately given english classes.

''Oh look! You have grown some boobies since I have last seen you.'' said my Aunt, Teresa. But clearly my aunts are still lacking proper grammar.

''You tink so, I still tink she needs a padded brassiere, no?'' asked my Aunt Cora.

''Trust me, she is perfect. She vill grow some bigger ones, as she grows in age, yeah?'' added Aunt Celine.

Oh god, someone help me. They always have these kind of discussions when seeing me,always showering me with compliments and nagging. I swear, if someone doesn't stop them, we will probably miss our reservation by 2 hours.

We were supposed to go to a fancy Italian restaurant to celebrate Cora's weight loss. Apparently she had loss 12 pounds and decided to go out and celebrate, which was basically another way of saying 'lets go out and embarrass our niece'.

''Enough chit-chat, you must get going.'' said my mother, silencing the three musketeers.

My mother wouldn't be joining us for dinner because she had a night shift at the hospital. My mother is a nurse, and most of her shifts are during the evening or at night, so I barely get to see her.

I can't believe she is leaving me with these crazy women. I'll probably return home with 5 wedding rings, a cast on my arm and dog scratches on my face.

''You vill be wearing dat to ze dinner, my angel?'' asked Teresa.

Aunt Teresa likes to refer to herself as  'go-to fashionista'. She went to Paris for 2 weeks and got to attend a fashion show, so now she thinks she's experienced . She's always trying to get me to dress up and be more 'feminine' as she would say. She knows I hate that kind of stuff, and yet she still tries to squeeze me into some sort or dress or skirt.

''What wrong with my jeans and top?'' I asked.

''It wont attract any of zem boys. You have a good body, show it off hun!'' she exclaimed.

Is she seriously nagging about my outfit when our reservations start in 15 minutes. I looked towards my mum with pleading eyes, but she just shrugged.

''You must change into something more...uhh..revealing.'' She eyed my outfit and then my bedroom door. Absolutely not! I'm not changing. I will attend the dinner in my jeans and shirt whether the Aunties like it or not


I can't believe this! Teresa actually got my mother, Cora, and Celine to gang up on me and force me into wearing some stupid outfit which consisted of a dress....with heels.

A bunch of guys leaving some random pub whistled at me which resulted in Teresa yelling ''She is single and ready to do the mingle."

I ran as fast as I could in heels towards the restaurant, away from my Aunts, who were joining in with Teresa and saying stuff like, ''She an angel from heaven," or ''She may be flat but she have load to give.''

Someone help me.

After 5 minutes of trying to get my Aunts away from the drunk guys and trying to stop Celine from talking to them about marriage, I managed to get them into the restaurant.

''WHAT DOES YOU MEAN OUR RESERVATION IS NOT AVAILABLE!' yelled Cora. ''I lose 12 pounds eating nothing but lettuce and apples, I deserve chicken in my system!''

We received some weird stares from the people around us, and even some head nodding and disapproving looks.

''It's okay Cora, we can come another time'' I whispered. As much as I wanted to eat some luxurious Italian food, I didn't want to cause a scene.

''You missed your reservations ma'am.'' said the desk waiter, who's name was apparently Carlos according to his name tag.

''I am not old, do not call me ma'am!'' Cora spoke.

"If you can just-"

Cora cut him off, "I demand to have my table." She yelled, causing me to wince.

''You were late and you missed your reservations. Someone else is at your table.'' The waiter had a monotone voice and it was getting really annoying.

''Someone has our table? Show us dis buffoon!'' yelled Cora.

''I'm afraid we can't do that.'' replied the waiter.

The aunties all gave him their death glares. The waiter let out a deep sigh and nodded his head 'no'.

Celine looked around the restaurant, pulling out her wallet. She pursed her lips, looking very suspicious. She pulled out £20 bill and slowly put it into his palm, nodding her head.

Carlos furrowed his brows, inspecting the bill. He took a quick glance around the restaurant before sutffing the bill into his jacket pocket.

I looked at him in shock.

''Your table is at the back, near the the cupid statue.''

The aunties immediately ran to the end of the restaurant (yes, they actually ran).

''Emma , get your bum over here!' yelled Teresa.

I ran after them, and found them standing in front of a table. I couldn't see the person sitting there so I pushed in between Cora and Celine and came face to face with none other than the famous Harry Styles.

Oh god.


hope you enjoyed the first chapter, chapter 2 will be up soon!

please vote fan and comment :)

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