chapter 3

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Emma's P.O.V

I just want to crawl into a hole and never come out. The aunties keep getting worse by the minute. Harry seems to find their immaturity funny and seems interested in the things they have to say. Not to mention the fact that Cora is getting real close to Harry, and when I say close, I mean she keeps scooting her chair towards him. Cora is really keen on celebrities. She's a fan of any young and good-looking celebrity. She also has a bad habit of lying a lot and telling fake stories to make herself look good.

''So then, I fall into za water and a beautiful boy come for me and save me on the shore.'' said Cora.

I dont even know what she's talking about, and neither do the aunties. Hell, I doubt Cora even knows what she's talking about.

Harry just nodded his head and took a bite out of his pasta. About 10 minutes ago, the clown appeared and took our orders. Cora ordered the biggest meal which consisted of two different kinds of rice, some sort of Italian chicken dish, mashed potatoes and a large caesar salad. I don't even know why she lost the 12 pounds in the first place.

''Aye, Celine, why don't you tell Harry about za boy when you in acting and he so in love with you.'' said Cora.

Celine nodded her head and began telling Harry about her ''lover". She's always telling this story to people even though it's really stupid and completely irrelevant.

''Vell, you see. When I was young I met zis boy, he vas in za acting show with me. He vas always flirting with me and I know he like me. One day, he send me cheese basket and a bouquet of roses as a present. I was so in touch that I almost cry, he vas so sweet. He vas so hunky looking with his dark eyebrows, long hair and thick mustache. He also had muscles and he wear nice trousers. He vas in love with me and he always complimenting my eyes and saying I had a nice bust. And one day, he kissed me!'' she exclaimed. "He say my breath vas very nice and zat I tasted like mangoes.''

I doubt Harry wants to know about Celine's 'lover'. I don't even get the point of her story. I barely got to talk to Harry and when I did, the aunties would keep butting in and telling Harry their life stories. He made a bad decision of inviting them to his table.

''But you know, now we go on different subject. You see, our Emma is so interesting and beautiful that she makes Britain's next top model look like lizard. Don't you tink so Harry?'' asked Teresa.

Way to suddenly change the subject Teresa.

''Of course.'' said Harry, looking straight at me.

If I'm honest, having Harry staring at me like I was his universe was quite scary. He gives his full attention when talking to someone and as much as I love him, having his eyes on me like that made me want to shit myself. In a good way.

"Your bracelet," said Harry, pointing to the silver piece of jewellery on my wrist. "I like it."

His eyes were once again on mine except this time he licked his lips, smirking slightly when my lips parted.


''So vat is your relationship for status?'' asked Teresa, changing the subject. Again.

''Pardon?'' Harry asked.

''She wants to know if your in a relationship.'' I sighed.

Why is Teresa even asking him? She's like 2 times his age. Cougar is definitely not a good look for her.

''I am currently single.'' answered Harry.

The aunties all nodded their heads and smiled.

''Emma is single too, ya know? She looks so so so good in her dress and she knows how to cook and she a good kisser.'' said Cora.

I looked at her wide eyed and kicked her from underneath the table. How does she know whether or not I'm a good kisser?! And how dare she say that. I wouldn't be surprised if Harry ran out of the restaurant.

''I'll keep that in mind.'' Harry laughed, flashing me a grin.

He doesn't seem bothered by the Aunties' bluntness and I'm quite thankful.

We spent the next 20 minutes talking, finishing our meals, embarrassing me (by the aunties), eating cheesecake and embarrassing me some more. I'm pretty sure my face resembled a tomato.

''Well, we better get going on za road and smack the sack.'' said Cora.

I think she meant 'hit the sack'.

''Same here. Its getting pretty late. I just want to thank you. I had lots of fun.'' said Harry, winking at me.

There goes my heart.

''No, thank you! Ve vill never forget our experience for eating with you. Now, if will excuse me, I must go sit on the throne and make water.'' said Celine, which is another way of saying 'I need the loo'.

''NATURE IS CALLING!'' yelled Teresa.

''I must drop some friends off at the pool, if you know what I am meaning.'' winked Cora.

She just told Harry that she had to poo. Geez, why don't you mention your gas problems while your at it. I looked towards Harry who seemed a bit uncomforterable.

''Emma, why don't you get in za car, we might be long.'' said Teresa, sending Cora a knowing look.

I slipped out of my chair and stood by the table, awkwardly standing. Harry had offered to pay for the dinner, which the aunties were very happy about. I just thought it was rude. He came back, after paying the bill and slipped on his jacket. His muscles flexed underneath his shirt...dear god.

I grabbed my phone and slipped it into my bra. Smart eh?

I followed Harry towards the restaurant doors and immediatly regretted it the moment I stepped outside.


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