Chemical Warehouse

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In the morning she somehow found herself back on her bed, a blanket neatly arranged to cover her. Steve must've carried her back here because she had no memory of ever walking back to her room. It was ten o'clock already and she's mad at him for not waking her up sooner. She went for a quick shower, expertly dressed herself into her tight-fitting Black Widow suit, and put on a thin line of basic make up. When she walked out, it was ten thirty and Sam Wilson was already at the hangar, along with Vision and Rhodey, helping some heavy-lift SHIELD crews load food supplies into a quinjet.

"Hey, dollface. You were missing all morning. We missed you." Sam Wilson quipped.

"Yeah, yeah. Tell me about it."

"We almost left without you." Rhodey added, he was much smaller without his War Machine suit, Natasha thought. She couldn't believe she hadn't thought of that before.

She took a few extra seconds to watch The Vision effortlessly lift up several food boxes to the jet with nothing but a yellow ray of light shooting out of the gem on his forehead. He looked like he was fully concentrated into it.

Then she was off to find Steve.

He was right where he would be; looking down at mission files and reading them carefully, making sure every worst case measure is prepared for and every upcoming hazard would be readily handled. Natasha passed Fury's office right and strolled into Steve's so-called 'private room'. Private just because no other operative aside from the two of them plus Fury have enough balls to enter the almost always empty room. It's probably because Natasha playfully slapped on a sticker that says "classified" on top of the door right when they first started using it-- Fury rolled his eyes at that but didn't object. Steve just laughed and said he liked it.

"Romanoff." He greeted formally as the doors slid open for her to enter. He was on mission mode already.

"Why didn't you wake me up earlier?"

He looked up from his case files to give her a very flippant cunning smile. "I wanted to be the first at everything, for once."

"Right." She chuckled. Nodding her chin to the files he was reading so intently. "What do we have here?"

"Nothing major. Our Boston intel called in last minute. Some scientist just invented a bunch of illegal chemical mixtures. Sounds light."

"Don't forget that some of the worst epidemics came from cases like that."

"Never the one to take anything lightly." He shook his head, his voice distant from the seriousness as he kept reading. Natasha snatched a file that he wasn't delving into and started looking into it. The captain prefers to read from an actual paper rather than from any digital device; she advised him not to do so too often just because it's not that environmentally friendly, but this is one of the things that makes Steve who he is, so after a while she just let it go and got used to it.

"When should we leave?" She asked as she was reading a page of a file. It was a list of types of potions the scientist made−the ones that SHIELD knows of, at least.

"Gimme five and I'll be done."

"Sure thing, captain."


It was a light mission−no need to bring everyone, she tried to convice him. But Steve insisted that if they have greater numbers, they have greater chance of finishing the mission. The objective was clear: bring down the chem lab, take in the professor. Falcon, War Machine, and Vision are air patrols, as always. Their main job is to disable as many guard droids as possible around the building. Wanda's job is to hypnotize the guards around. Nat's is to hack in and disable the security password and disable the alarm. Steve's was to cover for her while she'd done so. Wanda might have got most guards under her control but God knows how many guards did this scientist hire.

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