Leader Of The Broken Hearts (Of Mice & Men Fan-fic)

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"Austin, you're almost eighteen, can't you at least act like your age?" I groaned at my best friend.

"But Elli, acting like my age is too boring." Austin giggled drunkenly.

I sighed and slung his arm over my shoulders pulling him with me to his car. "Honestly Austin, getting so drunk that you won't remember anything doesn't seem like fun. Please. Stop this, I can't keep babying you." I scolded him like a mother as I fished in his jean pocket for his car keys. I found them and pushed him inside the car, making sure to buckle him. 

"I miss her Elli...I miss her a lot." Austin grumbled. I knew he wasn't as drunk as he was acting, this giggly obnoxious side to him hadn't been seen for a whole year since his mother and my other best friend died. 

I sighed heavily as a lump formed in my throat. "So do I."


Music pumped and pulsed through my speakers, my poor beaten up car rattling with each drum beat and bass guitar chord. My gaze was locked on two road signs, something I never left, I couldn't leave. I was trapped here, but I didn't care. I liked being trapped in my childhood. Second and Sebring. The music halted for a few minutes, just long enough for my phone to ring. I turned down the volume on my stereo and slid open my phone, staring a few seconds at the unknown number flashing across the screen.

"Hello?" I spoke quietly. 

"Um...is this Elliana Rhoads?" I knew that voice, I could pin-point it anywhere. 

"A-austin?" I stammered into the phone. "How did you..?"

He was silent for a moment. "God it's great to hear your voice. Listen, I'm at the airport in Tampa...can you come get me?" 

"Tampa, Florida?" I asked stunned.

"Where else Elli." He said in a 'duh' tone, but there was a smile on his face at my stupid question.

"What the hell are you doing in Florida?" I asked putting my car in drive and beginning the two hour drive to Tampa. 

Austin was quiet, minus the sounds of the busy airport in the background. I was about to speak again when he beat me to it. "I wanted to come home..."

I didn't know how to respond. "What about Cali." I asked. 

I could picture Austin shrugging. "Its home, but not my real home." He said sounding tired. 

"Okay, listen, I'm on my way. I'll be there in about two hours." I said quietly, knowing he wasn't going to say anything more.

"Sounds good Elli. See you soon." He said before hanging up. 

Something wasn't right, I could feel it. 


I played with the hem of my t-shirt nervously as I pushed through the crowded airport trying to find my friend whom I hadn't seen in years. I didn't even know if he was the same looking or person in general. I debated on calling his name but my quiet voice wouldn't be heard. That's when I saw 'Mom' written clearly on a twenty-three year old man's arm. I didn't need to ask questions, I knew it was him after seeing that tattoo. He turned his head and our eyes locked, I saw his eyes widen in shock reminding me that I didn't look exactly the same and I was glad that I had kept and was were the same sunglasses that I had stolen from Austin when we were both teenagers still. He jumped to his feet and covered the distance quickly thanks to his long legs. I felt his arms engulf me as he pulled me literally off the ground and spun us around, speaking into my messy hair. I was placed back on my feet stiff as a board, fighting to keep my breathing normal as more tears threaten to spill. 

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