Becoming His Luna

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"Help!  Help me!" 

I tried to scream for help but it was no use.  No one was around to hear me.  The mysterious man had already given me several hits to my stomach.  I would be doubled over if it wasn't for him gripping my shoulders so tightly.  Tears were streaming down my face.  The man was placing sloppy kisses all down my neck and I could smell the alcohol on his breath.  There was no way I could get out of this!

"No, keep fighting!"  I heard the voice in my head scream.  I had heard the voice since I was nine.  I've seen the best physiologists money can buy, but it's always there.. "You can do this!  He's coming!  He's coming!"

I didn't know who he was but I knew I need to keep fighting for them.  I twisted in his arms trying to get out.  I threw punches and kicks when I could.  My energy was fading fast but I kept pushing.  I let out screams for passing people to hear.  The man reached out and covered my mouth, so I bit down until I tasted blood.  He jerked back and I took my only chance at escape.  I ran faster than I have eve ran before.  I was always a fast runner, but never this fast. 

I was almost out of the alley when I hit something solid.  It as a boy about my age.  For some odd reason I relaxed at the touch of him instead of cower in fear like I should have.  I felt his chest rumble and make a sound that sounded something like a growl. 

"Mate."  The voice in my head sighed.  What?!  Mate?

"Mine."  The boy growled in my ear.  He grabbed me and stared running down the street at an inhuman speed down the sidewalk.  I took this moment to look down the alley and see the drunk man from before passed out on the ground.  I should be worried about this stranger carrying me, but i just felt safe.


This this the introduction.... What do you think?  If I get comments and votes so I know people like it I will continue!! Thanks!




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