Chapter 5: It's Party Time

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The drive to the pack house was short. I was in the car with Riley and we sang to the songs on the radio. Once we got there I saw a lot of cars. There were so many people! My heart rate picked up. What if they don't like me?

We walked inside hand in hand.  Riley gave mine a little squeeze of encouragement before he opened the door. I took a deep breath and stepped inside.  It was bigger than I remembered! 

"They're going to love you!"  Riley whispered.  I just gave a weak smile and kept walking.  I waved to different people and the bowed their heads in return.  It would take me a while to get used to this.  I never get this much attention! 

Riley pulled me up on to a porch in the backyard.  Everyone’s conversations died down and all eyes were on us. 

“As you all probably know by now, I have finally found my mate.  I didn’t have to go far and some of you probably met her when she was a pack party with Brooke and my beta.”  He was smiling ear to ear even though he tried to sound strict and disappointed about me being at the pack house not knew about werewolves, but he was too happy!  “If you haven’t met her, well, her she is!”  He pointed to me and stepped back.  Does he want me to say something?  Oh no!  This isn’t going to happen. 

“Umm... Hi!”  I said awkwardly. 

Riley gave me a smile and stepped back up in front.  “Ok everyone!  I don’t know about you guys, but im starving!  Let’s eat!!”   And with that everyone started talking again and walking into the kitchen and piling their plates full of hamburgers and hotdogs.  The boys went to the living room and watched the Mountaineer game. {AN:  I’m from West Virginia and that’s our main college team, so that is where I’m basing this book at!}  The girls stayed outside and talked.  I sat beside Brooke since Riley went inside to.  She introduced me to all her friends.

"Hi, I'm Callie!"  Said the overly bubbly blonde sitting across from me. 

"Hey!"  I said doing a half wave.  I need to make sure they like me if I'm going to be their luna! 

"I'm Nova!"  A girl with raven black hair and dark eyes said.  

There was only one other person at the table and she had her nose in a book not even paying attention.  

"Earth to Harley!"  Brooke waved her hand in front the girl's face to get her attention.  She looked up and started to  blush. 

"Hello, I'm Harley.  Sorry!  It's just this book is so good!"  I just laughed completely understanding.    

Harley had tan skin and dark hair.  She wore glasses but they looked relly cute on her.  I could I would be good friends with her. 

We ate and talked outside until the game was over.  We won!!

"Hey sweetie?"  I heard Riley call.  A smile instantly come on my face.  I turned around and saw the very sexy man, i called my mate, walking toward me. 

"Yes?"  I said when he gave me a hug, and could feel tingles spread out from where we touched.

"Are you ready to go?  I'm kinda tired."  He said looking down at me. 

"Sure!  Can you just drop me off at my house?  If not I'll get brooke to do it!"  I said still looking in his eyes. 

"No.  You're staying with me tonight!"  He said pulling back from the hug. 

Not wanting to be away from him I happyily agreed with no agruements.  I mean who could pass up a night with Riley? 

He leaned into give me a kiss, but just when he was about to my phone whent off!  I could litterally smash it with a hammer right now!  Sighing i took it out and looked at the number and all color left my face. 

Incoming Call From: Aunt Grechan

She only calls when she's coming home early!  So much for my first night with my mate!

I hit the answer button and put it up to my ear.


"Where are you??"  My aunt screamed into the phone.  Oh no!  She must already be home..

"Ah.. At a friends?"  I said unsurely. 

"Get home this instant."  And then the line went dead. 


So sorry for the long wait!! School has been hectict so far and I just had free time!! i know its really short, and not that good, but at least it's something!! I didn't really know what to do in this part... So so so Sorry!! I promise the next one will be better!! Well.. I think that's it! 

OH! Person to the side is Harley! 



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