Chapter 3: Late

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After the very long and awkward ride home, I went to my room and flopped on my bed. Ugh! I can't believe he kissed me! What was he thinking? You can't just go around kissing people!

"You're not mad." The voice said. OH CRAP! I FORGOT! I have an appointment with my psychiatrist in 15 minutes! I don't even have a car to get there since mines in the shop and my aunt'a still at work.. Like always.

"There is one thing you can do..." The voice said. She didn't have to finish that comment because I already knew what it was going to say, and I knew it was right.

I quickly scrolled through my contacts until I found the right number and hit send...


15 minutes later I saw the sleek black mustang pull into my drive way. My heart picked up pace as I walk toward it and opened the door. I sat down and looked over at the driver. There was a smirk placed firmly on his lips.

"So you already missed me, did you?"


I'm so sorry again!!! I know you probably want to throw things at me for the short chapters and long waits... But I'm still at my aunts and I just sat down and had time to write, but it 2am!!!! :/ so so sorry!!! I figured a short chapter is better than nothing, even if this is the shortest chapter in the history of chapters... as soon as i get home I'll write a really long one! I'm think I'm going home next Monday!! I love you all!!! Thank you so much for the support!! (Just a note: comments help me want to write faster!) hahaha!!! ;) all right I'll shut up now! Sorry for mistakes.. I posted his from my phone again...


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