Chapter 6: Untraditional Meetings

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He leaned into give me a kiss, but just when he was about to my phone whent off!  I could litterally smash it with a hammer right now!  Sighing i took it out and looked at the number and all color left my face. 

Incoming Call From: Aunt Grechan

She only calls when she's coming home early!  So much for my first night with my mate!

I hit the answer button and put it up to my ear.


"Where are you??"  My aunt screamed into the phone.  Oh no!  She must already be home..

"Ah.. At a friends?"  I said unsurely. 

"Get home this instant."  And then the line went dead.

Chapter 6: Untraditional Meetings

As soon as I got out of the car, my aunt came running toward me. A look of relief passed over her eyes.

"I thought something bad had happened to you.  You never go anywhere."  Aunt Gretchen said. "Get in the house.  There is someone who wants to meet you."  With that she turned on her heel and walked inside. 

Before I followed I glanced back at Riley.  He gave me a wink and pulled out.  My phone vibrated signaling a text.  When I look I saw it was from him. 

"I'll sneak in at dark ;)"

A huge smile was on my face now.  I walked inside and heard talking in the living room upstairs.  I followed the noise and came across a man and women talking and laughing with Aunt Gretchen. 

'I wonder who they are.. Aunt Gretchen doesn't have friends!'   My wolf asked.

The woman looked up and tears sprang to her blue eyes.  Wait... That's the same blue as mine!

"Darcy! Sweetie!"  The woman gave me a bone-crushing hug.  I pulled back looking at her eyes again. 

"Oh sweetie!  We're so sorry!  We had to give you to your aunt, for safety!  We're your parents!"  She was full out crying now. 

"Ah... Aunt Gretchen?  Can we have a minute?" 

"I'm going to the office."  She replied and walked out the front door. 

I looked back at my mom, "It's ok!  Riley explained everything to me!  I'm just glad to finally meet you, to actually see you!"  A big grin spread on my face!  I have my parents back!

"You've found your mate!  We didn't even think you would shift without your Alpha present!"  she said pointing to the man, I was guessing was my dad.  We had the same brown curly hair! 

"Why are you guys here?" 

"We felt you make the shift and have come to take you home with us!"  My mom said excitedly.

"Where is 'home' exactly..?"  I asked.  I would not  be leaving Riley or Brooke! 

"The pack is in Montana!"  She said smiling like it was the best news she's ever given anyone.

"No.  No, I'm not going to Montana!  I'm not leaving Riley!  I can't leave him!"  I was yelling towards the end, but I'm never leaving Riley!

"Sweetie!  We are your parents!"  my dad said, " You have to come with us!"

"I don't even know your guy's first names!  I'm not leaving Riley!"  I yelled. They have to understand! They're mates too, they have to understand what it feels like to be away from each other! 

"Your aunt doesn't want to watch you anymore."  My mother whispered.  Oh.  Okay.  That hurts a little!  We don't even see each other half the time! 

"I'll stay at the pack house here then!  I'll be closer to Riley there anyway!  I'm not going with you!!  You cant just swoop into my life and expect me to drop everything and leave with you!  You don't know me at all!"  Tears are in my eyes.  They're going to make me choose between them and Riley. 

"We've been keeping tabs on you for years sweetie!  One of our warriors have been assigned to follow you everywhere and keep you out of danger!"  Dad said. 

"Wait... was he at the pack house party?"  I asked.  Maybe that would explain the man that has followed me my whole life...

"Of course!  If you were there, he was there!"  Dad replied. So their the cause of the nightmare man! 

"I don't care!  I'm not leaving!"  I protest again.  I turn to leave, but a strong hand grabs my upper arm.  The grip gets tighter until it hurts and all circulation is cut off.  I whip around and lock eyes with the green eyes that belong to my dad. 

"Stop! You're hurting me!"  I try to pull out of his grip but he only grabs my other arm, just as tight, stopping any struggles of escape.  I wince and try to look to my mom for help, but she's inspecting her nails like hurting your daughter is a normal thing. 

"You are coming with us!  No arguments, or I will show you what real pain feels like"  My dad spits out through gritted teeth; with each word his grip got impossibly tighter.  I whimper escapes my mouth and I nod in defeat.  He lets go and smiles. 

"Okay then!  We leave for Montana in the morning!"  He says with a smile, but before he can even take a step, a fist collides with the side of his face. I let out a small squeak in surprise. 

Riley had my dad pinned to the living room floor, punching him repeatedly. 

"She's not going anywhere with you, dick!"  Riley growled out.  My mom was in the corner screaming while I just stood and stared.  it was kind of sweet Riley was defending me... but he was going to kill my father.  I had to stop him before he did something he would regret.  I cautiously walked over to the fight and rubbed Riley's back to get his attention.

" Riley, stop.  It's over."  I said soothingly.  He tensed up at first, but then relaxed a second later.  He stood up and pulled me into a hug and tucked his head into my neck.

"Come on.  Let's go before he wakes up."  I whispered in his ear.  He nodded and followed me to the door.  When I looked back I saw my mom crying on the chest of a very bloody, unconscious man.  Parents aren't supposed to hurt their kids. I will miss the ides of having parents.


Sorry it's been forever!  I have the rest of the book written on paper so I will update more frequently!! Only about 4 more chapters and it'll be over! :D 

Love you all and thanks for the support,


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