Chapter 2: Waking Up

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I woke up to the sun shining in on my face. I slowly opened my eyes, sitting up in the bed stretching. I looked around the room and gasped. This isn't my room! I heard soft snores coming from across this huge room. I looked to my right and saw a body lying on a couch.

"Who is that?" I whispered.

"Mate. Go to him! He will love us!" The voice in my head begged me. What is this mate thing? I kept stepping closer and cliser to him. It was like I wasn't controlling my body, like I was drawn to him. I got so close I could almost touch him....

The boy sighed in his sleep and rolled over facing me. I quickly ran across the room and hid beside the bed. I peeked over the bed to sneak a look and saw he was staring right at my hiding spot with a smirk on his handsome face. His lips looked so kissable... Wait! Why am I thinking that? I didn't even know his name!

"You know you don't have to hide from me! I'm not going to hurt you!" He called to me from the couch. I slowly stood up with a blush obvious on my face. I knew he wouldn't hurt me. He saved me from that man in the alley last night. I winced at the thought of what would have happened if he didn't show up. I wouldn't have been able to out run him. That night was the worst night. First the man from my nightmares at the party, then the rapist in the alley!

"Thank you. For last night I mean..." I said trailing off not making eye contact. I knew if I did I would get lost in his beautiful brown eyes.

He stood up and walked toward me and I took a step back. He took a step I took one back. He took one I took one back, but this time I hit the wall. My eyes went wide. The boy right in front of me now reached down and lightly grabbed my chin directing me to look at him.

"What's your name?" He whispered. I could smell his cologne all around me.

"He smells so good!" The voice said. "Our mate is perfect!"

"I'm ah- ah- My name is Darcy." I stuttered out. Wow, Darcy! How smooth! He just smiled a breathtaking smile that made me blush.

"I'm Riley." He said. I smiled and he stepped back letting me go. I sidestepped out and walked to the bed and stood putting space between us. A low rumble came from his chest. His eyes went black and he looked me up and down. I hadn't realized I was still in the yellow dress. I self cautiously pulled at the bottom trying to make it longer. Why did I like when he growled? Am I crazy?

"No! He's our mate! You're a werewolf! I'm your wolf! Please, go to him!" The voice has told me this before, but I always ignored it. I was already considered crazy, why add to it?

"I have to go. My aunt will be wondering where I'm at..." I said awkwardly looking at the door. Half of me wanted to bolt out the door and never look back, but the other wanted me to stay with Riley and never leave his side. I was to scared to think about which side was winning.

Disappointment flashed through his eyes but he quickly covered it and put on a smile. "Yeah sure, I'll walk you home." He said in a forced happy voice. I instantly regretted bringing up leaving. I already wanted to stay.

We walked outside in silence. Every so often I would sneak a glance at Riley. He was just so hot! My eyes roamed all over his face and body. His dark brown eyes, tan skin, huge biceps. I could see his eight pack through his navy blue T-shirt. I brought my eyes back up to his face and looked at his plump lips. I bet they would fit perfectly with mine. I looked back up to his eyes and realized he was looking back at me. We were stopped in the middle of the hallway just staring into each others eyes. I don't know how long we stayed like that, but it felt like forever! He started to lean forward and I did to. We were inches apart still making eye contact. I slowly closed mine and felt his lips lightly sweep over mine in a whisper of a kiss. Sparks ran through my body and I shivered. That seemed to be the reaction he wanted because he grabbed my waist and pulled me closer. My eyes bolted open from the intensity of his action.

Wait. What am I doing? I pushed myself away from him and leaned against the wall breathing hard. He kissed me... And I liked it! I don't even know him! What would my aunt say!

So I know it's been a while and I'm sorry!! Also note that I changed Ezra's name to Riley! I just didn't think the name Ezra fit well!! Thanks to everyone that commented and voted! You are awesome!! Thanks also to the quite readers!!! This is short cause I'm at my aunts and wrote it on my phone, but I jut wanted to put something up for you guys!! I love you all!!! I can't thank you enough! Ok I'm going I shut up now!! :D <3


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