// Chapter 6

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"Babe," I shouted. "Come down for dinner! I made your favorite."

"Impossible," he said as he came downstairs. "You're my favorite."

Cameron hugged me from behind, kissing my neck and my shoulder.

"But," he continued. "I can't resist a steak dinner."

"That's why you married me," I chuckled into my glass of white wine.

"Oh definitely."

He turned me around and sweetly kissed me. His hands gripped firmly onto my waist as the kiss became more intense. I was his, he was mine. Everything felt just as it should be, nothing out of the ordinary. This was my life.

I gasped as I woke up. It felt like I was jolted out of one reality and placed back into the current. I was lost, nearly disoriented, I...was hungover. I groaned and rubbed my cheeks, realizing I never got around to drinking that Gatorade. But I was drinking it now, chugging it. The dehydration was definitely taking it's toll. I didn't feel the urge to throw up, it's just my head that felt like my brain was unhinged inside, banging against all sides of my skull. And the ringing...there were constant large bells in my ears hellbent on my suffering.

But what the hell was that dream? I don't remember my dreams much but I know I never had one like that. I slowly got out of bed, fixed my hair and washed my face. For a moment, I became one of those people that heavily evaluated themselves in the mirror to ensure at least slight perfection. Once I got to the bedroom door however, I dropped it, slumping back to my regular self. I am perfectly imperfect and that's alright.

I left my room and stood in front of Cameron's. His closed door now had a Jimi Hendrix poster covering most of it. My fist lingered a few inches from it, hesitant to knock, but I just did it. Then I knocked a second time.

"Cameron?" I called out.

After feeling the atmosphere, I soon realized he wasn't even here. I usually hear the faint sound of music while he sleeps but there was none playing. I was home alone.

. . .

Every year, my school throws this huge carnival near the boardwalk to raise money for various charities. Small businesses bring their merchandise and set up booths. Even local restaurants including Joe's would set up shop, selling food and advertising their brand. It was as if the gods knew today was happening so they didn't let it rain. The sun was out, yet it was still decent, and the breeze wasn't too harsh. Everything was just right.

I met up with a couple friends from school that I met during my freshman year, Chantel and Troye. Chantel and I nearly matched with our white t-shirts only she wore denim shorts and I wore boyfriend jeans. Troye's only fashionable concern was that he didn't wear white sneakers.

"Come along dear," Troye mockingly joked as we waited in line for some Joe's. We were people-watching and came across a mother in a maxi dress that kept asking silly questions at a nearby food stand.

"Um," Troye continued joking in a falsetto voice as Chantel & I giggled. "Is this water gluten free? Does it have any antioxidants in it? Any pomegranate undertones? What about the bottle? Is it BPA free? Do proceeds go toward Mothers-Against-Everything?"

"Oh my gosh chill out," Chantel laughed.

"People like that make my eyes roll 360," Troye scoffed. "People that only accept gifts wrapped in burlap. Like get over yourself, hun."

I laughed and it quickly came to a halt once I saw Cameron in the distance with Stass hanging on his arm. Chantel took notice of this and she followed my line of vision.

The Letters // Cameron DallasWhere stories live. Discover now