STUC - Chapter Nine

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Chapter nine.

"You sure you don't want to do anything this weekend?" Alex asked me as we walked out of class. The bell had just rang and the weekend had just began. I was planning to sleep and eat for majority of it.

"Yeah I'm sure. If I get really bored i'll come round to yours." I said back. Me and Alex had grown pretty close after watching Titanic together. Although I was no where near as girly as her with the make up and fancy dresses, we got along pretty well. I enjoyed her company, and that surprised me.

"Well alright. Just ring me if you need me to pick you up." I raised my eyebrow at her and punched her in the arm.

"I do have a ride ya know." I  retorted as we reached my motorcycle.

"That is NOT  a ride. It's a death trap." Alex laughed as she walked off in the direction of her car.

I sat down on my motorcycle and was just about to ride off when I heard someone yelling my name. I pulled my helmet off and looked around seeing Nick running towards me.

"What?" I yelled back.

" Wait up." He huffed.

I sat there waiting for him to get to where I was. He reached me and held onto my handles looking at me.

"Yes?" I asked him slightly annoyed. I had things to do. Well, not much but i wanted to eat. I was starving. I looked at his chest rising up and down as he gasped for air.

"I need a ride."

"Where's your car?" I asked him.

"Over there." He pointed in the direction of a jeep that looked battered. So the car accident everyone was talking about in the morning was probably his car and someone else's.

"Alright. Hop on." I agreed reluctantly. I owed Nick, he had given me a ride and helped me pick out this one.

Nick swung his legs around with ease and settled on the seat. He took this as an opportunity to get close to me and grabbed onto my  waist, pushing his body right up against mine's. Eurgh.

"Nick." I muttered through my clenched teeth.

"Yes?" He said back in a sweet tone.

"I can feel your manly bits pushing into me and I feel very uncomfortable. Remove it or I will 'accidentally' knock you off whilst I am driving."

Nick shuffled back a bit sniggering, but still held tight onto my waist.

"Creep." I muttered under my breath. "Where do you live?"

"A few houses down from your mansion. Just keep driving on from your house and i'll tell you when to stop."

I started the engine and began driving and heading home. I could feel people staring at us, probably thinking we where a couple or something. Ew.

I could feel the heat from Nick's body through my jacket. His muscles felt really nice against my back. I couldn't believe I was thinking this, I mean I never cared about the guy's muscle's back at home, and I had no idea why I was caring now.

We drove in silence, and I eventually passed my house. A few minutes later I heard Nick telling me to stop in front of his house.

I stopped the engine and turned around.

Nick's hair was all messed up from the wind but it made him look really cute. Oh god, why was I even thinking like a girl? Because you are one, a voice whispered in the back of my head.

"Shut up." I told it.

"I didn't say anything." Nick answered looking amused.

"Erm, yeah, whatever, is this your house?"

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