STUC - Chapter ten.

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Chapter ten.

It was monday morning, and I sat there in class chewing on the end of my pencil waiting for the bell to ring. History was so boring.

"Adreana." I heard someone whisper my name from behind me.

I turned around to see some random dude sitting in his chair smirking at me.

"What?" I whispered back.

"Is it true you and nick hooked up? I mean your not exactly his type after all." My first instict was to get up and punch this guy but  instead I clutched my hands together and turned back around ignoring whoever the hell that guy was.

The bell rang. Finally, I thought, as I grabbed my books and walked out of class. I was going to kill Nick, slowly... inflicting as much as pain as I could upon him.

I saw him shoving some books into his locker. I didn't bother walking upto him and talking, instead I screamed his name in the hallway. Alot of people stopped and began staring at me.

"What are you lot looking at?! Are all of you NICK? Gosh, go get a life!" I barked. I was very annoyed.

I walked upto Nick and pushed him into his locker, he looked at me with curious eyes.

"Woah woah girl. At least drag me to the bathroom if you really want me." He smirked.

"Nick I am going to kill you. Why the hell are you telling people I'm sleeping with you?" I roared.

"Ad..." Nick tried to talk but i slapped my hand over his mouth.

"SHUT UP! I don't want your dumb excuses. I don't even know you properly. You stuipid creep. Just because I drove you home and you drove me home doesn't make us sex patners. Your so typical for a guy. You don't think with your brain, you think with your penis. You stuipid dimwit. If more people find out about this stupid rumour i'll make sure you'll regret you ever met me!" I went on and on talking about how annoying he was and how I felt like killing him. In the process Nick moved my hand away from his mouth.

"Adreana.." He tried talking to me again.

"Just shut up. I don't want to hear you talking. You infuriate me! I feel sorry for your mother.Or anyone who else knows you." I started again, droning on and on about how people must feel knowing him.

Suddenly I felt some lips against mine's. I looked down to see Nick's lips firmly planted against my one's. I felt some tingly sensation in my mouth, I was just about to respond when I realised what I was doing. I pushed him off me and back onto the lockers.

"ARGHHHHHHHHH." I yelled just as the bell rang to get to our next class. I turned around trying to remember where my english class was, when I realised an audience of around thirty people where watching us as though we where some show. I glared at all of them to the extent they all went rushing towards the're classes.Stuipid people.

I didn't bother turning around to face Nick. As much as I wanted to kill him at the moment, I couldn't shrug the feeling off when he had kissed me.I walked into my next class gathering my thoughts and composing mysefl. I looked up to see that everyone was staring at me.

"Adreana. Sit down, your late." The teacher barked.

I took my seat which was fortuantely at the back. I was trying to pay attention to what the teacher was saying , not allowing my brain to think about Nick when I saw a paper aeroplane land at my desk. Serioulsy? I thought people only done this sort of thing in the movies.

Lily just told Josh who told Sally who told ME that you KISSED nick?! Adreana Silver, I never pegged you for a girl who even LOOKS at a boy, forget kissing?!  Im in shock, since when did you even LIKE him? Haha. I want all the details!  -alex xxx

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