Found her

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Emily's POV

I was woken up by my ringtone that I set for Hannah, I looked over at my clock and saw that it's 2am. I sighed and answered the phone and asked

"what's wrong and where are you?"

"hhheeeyyyyy sista!!! It's Hannah!! you know me I live with you! Tehe so anyway I'm wasted and in front of a building with the numbers 452 on it and the road is called mmalorie? Malory? yeah I think it's that!"

"okay Hannah don't move, I'm coming"

I got up and put on some black ballet flats and just kept on the short shorts and tank top that I had on then I grabbed my car keys and went on the search for my crazy and insane friend.

I parked in front of the building and saw Hannah passed out on the steps, I rushed out of the car and ran to Hannah's side. I sighed and tried lifting her body but my non existent muscles failed me so all I could manage to do was lift her shoulders off the ground then plop them back down on the ground.

I sighed and tried again but again failed miserably. I sat down next to her and tried to think of a way to lift her into my car. Suddenly I saw a pair of man shoes on the ground in front of me, my eyes slowly traveled up the muscular and strong body and when I reached his face my heart skipped a beat. He was the most beautiful guy I have ever seen, I quickly looked down and blushed. I heard him laugh and he said

"hi there, I'm Hunter Kane, do you and your friend here live in this building?"

I shook my head no still looking at the ground, he bent down and put his finger under my chin and I was sucked into those beautiful blue eyes of his. He smiled and asked

"What's your name and where do you live sweetheart?"

I blush and quietly say

"m-my name is Emily Dubois a-and I live on Gordon street a couple bocks away w-with Hannah"

I put my hand on Hannah's body still laying asleep, Hunter looked over at her and he smiled and said

"would you like some help with her?"

I nodded and quietly said

"yes please"

I don't know what's happening to me, it's like every cell in my body is alive and dirty images of us doing the dirty in my bed back at the apartment are flashing through my mind. What the hell is going on with me?

Hunter's POV

I can feel the innocence flowing off of her body and it's making my wolf go crazy thinking about her never being touched by another man. I picked up her friend and followed behind my little mate to her car, she opened the back door and I set her friend in the car and buckled her up. I got out and closed the door and leaned against her car, she said

"thank you"

I smiled and said

"no problem, I'm happy to help"

She smiled and got into her car and just before she started her car I asked

"can I see you again? or could I at least have your number?"

She smiled and laughed quietly then she reached in her bag and got out a pen and paper, she wrote numbers down on it and gave it to me then she smiled shyly and started her car and drove away. I looked down at the paper and saw her number written down on it. I smiled and got out my phone and put in her number then called Xav. He answered on the third ring and said

"hey man what's up?"

"I found her, I found my mate"

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