Telling Her

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Emily's POV

I started to slowly wake up with the sun shinning in my face. I quickly remembered what happened and tried to move, key word tried. I kept wiggling around and figured out that I was in someone's arms so of course I screamed.

The man who I didn't see yet shot up and looked around, I quickly got out of bed and tried to run. That was not a good idea, I got up too quickly so of course I felt dizzy. I sat back down on the bed when I heard

"you're awake!"

I looked back and saw Mr.Kane.

"Mr.Kane what am I doing here?"

I looked around but had no idea where I was, the last thing I remember is I was in the parking lot then fainted because of low sugar levels.

"Emily, to you I am Hunter, not Mr.Kane"

I slowly got up and picked up my bag that I saw was on the floor by my feet. I looked over and saw Hunter shirtless, oh gosh he was hot, like really hot. What's happening to me?! Why am I feeling so weird around him?

"look um Hunter um I should be getting hom-"

"NO! um I mean Emily it's late and you fainted I think it's best if you just stay here with me"

"oh um well I-I guess that m-makes sense"

"great! okay well um would you like something to eat? and maybe explain why you passed out?"


We walked out of the room and he lead the way to his kitchen. I sat down at the counter and he started getting some food, I sighed and said

"when I get low on sugar my system shuts down and I pass out it's no big deal"

"no big deal? Emily if I wasn't there to catch you, you would have hit your head and possibly hurt yourself"

"I just forgot my sugar pills if I had them I would have been fine"

He set a plate in front of me and said

"eat, I want that plate all clean before we do anything else"

Hunter's POV

I sat beside her and watched her eat everything on her plate, I may have given her a little more then she needed but she needs to eat I don't want her to pass out. She looked up at me sometimes while eating and she kept blushing.

I looked at the clock and started to get nervous, you see when mates meet even if one is human we go through a time period that is called a heat. This heat makes sure that the two mate and create pups, our heat is supposed to start in less then 12 hours. In those 12 hours I need to tell her and hopefully she won't put us through the painful experience of not mating right when the heat starts.

Once she's done eating most of the things on her plate she thanks me and I take the plate from her. I set the plate on the bed side table and I look at her not knowing what to say or do. I place my hand on her leg and I feel her shudder, I almost lost control right there but I held back and said

"we need to talk"

She nods and asks

"what about?"

"well umm do you believe in supernatural things?"

She nervously looks around and backs up on the bed a bit and asks

"What do you mean by supernatural?"

"like werewolves, vampires stuff like that"

"umm I guess it's a big world but not really.... why?"

I take a big breath in and say

"because I'm a werewolf"

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