Second Day Of Agony

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Jungkook's P.O.V

I stared at the time, I tried to get it to turn back time, to stop it from turning to 7:00, to stop it from reminding me I had school.

Beeeep. Beeeep. Beeeep.
Well, that worked out as planned. I growled and slammed my hand onto the clock, smashing the buttons. 'I hate school' was all I could think. It was nothing like the dramas, where your soulmate stops you from getting bullied and saves you from harm. I hate school.

(Time skip)
The teacher was calling out attendance. She got to me and with a slutty voice she called out "Jongkook?"
I knew she only did that for me to respond, she was a slut and she gets turned on easily. Since I was in a bad mood I growled and practically yelled "Its Jungkook, not Jongkook. Do you have hearing problems?" And the whole class snickered. "O-oh, I'm sorry." The teacher said, losing the slutty voice.

The teacher had turned bright red and started stuttering the rest of the names. Finally she got to the last name "N-N-Naori L-Lunar?" And with that everyone started to whisper. I shifted to hear what the group next to me was saying, "She beat up Betty, Jasmine, and her whole group all in a few punches." And "She's coming back tomorrow. I'm sorta happy she's coming back. Betty's a pain in the ass." And everyone nodded.

"Did you guys realize yesterday and today was a full moon? That's probably the reason why the Wolf didn't appear to school." That caught my attention and I asked "What do you mean Wolf?"

Almost everyone turned to look at me and everyone started to talk at once. "She's known as The Big Bad Wolf. She'll beat you up if you ever mess with her and she's super hot. She even turned girls on." And the girls look flustered but nodded.

"I swear she never comes to school on full moons and that's how she got her weird nickname." Said Jasmine and everyone glared at her. She noticed and turned around.

"She's also a leader in a gang. Lunar Wolf. They are the most wanted gang in the world, and she's the leader, but that's only a rumor."

"Its not, I swear. I saw her talking to a whole gang with the Lunar Wolf tattoo. I think she has one too."

"She also got into a ton of fights and ----" the teacher yelled for the class to stop talking. No one talked during the whole period. But once the bell rang, everyone burst into their talk about The Big Bad Wolf.

I hope I never piss of this Wolf. Ever.


I ran into the janitors  bathroom, panting, I looked it with the janitors keys and hid in a stall. So I sorta pissed off Betty and her groupie and know they're after me.

So here's what happened.

It was lunch time but I tried to avoid Betty, so I went into the library. Turns out Betty was there too. So I hid in one of the aisles and since the room was sorta dark, I didn't see the latter and it knocked down several books. They landed on Betty and her groupies head. And know their chasing me with books and binders and here I am, hiding in the janitors bathroom. Which surprisingly is very big.

I waited until the pounding on the door ceased and everything was quiet. I rubbed the back of my head, where a sharp book hit me. I put my hands back out and it was covered in drops of blood. Great. I felt a bruise swelling on my face, where Betty punched me. Fuck.

The Big Bad Wolfs PetWhere stories live. Discover now