Chapter 1

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Mischief. The god of Mischief next to me. In the middle of a forest. Darkness filled my body but my heart just feels weird and doesn't feel the same. We walked in silence.

"Soooo...Loki.." trying to start a conversation.

"Are you hungry?" he asked looking at me.

His eyes were a hypnotizing green. It seemed like a book full of secrets and truth to be discovered.

"Yea" I couldn't lie. My stomach was aching.

"May I?" he asked

"May you what?" I replied.

"Pathetic Human.." he mumbled.

He grabbed me, bringing me against his chest.

We both looked up and a beam of light covered us.

We were surrounded by colors, it didn't feel as if we were moving. I looked at Loki, something changed from seeing him at the cafe and now. He still was looking up. I was looking at him. His arms locked around my back. I rested my head on his chest. Before I knew it, we landed in a room with huge gold gears.

"Wow!" I said looking all around.

"Welcome to Asgard" said a man on top of a stand with a huge sword.

"Thanks" I replied.

"Onward my lady, for there more to see" Loki said grabbing my hand.

As we exited the teleportation building a huge bridge awaited us.

"That's a long walk" I remarked.

"Nonsense lady (Y/n)" Loki smiled.

A horse came trotting towards us. Then stopped.

Loki climbed up on the horse and then reached out with a hand.

I accepted his hand and climbed up on the horse.

"you ready my lady" Loki asked.

"Yes" i replied wrapping my arms around him.

Loki commanded the horse to go forward. The wind was just right. I layed my head against his back. Yet my stomach was aching and making loud noises. The horse become to a slow stop as we entered the stables.

Loki climbed off and then grabbed me by the hips and put me off the horse.

"It's what we do here" Loki said putting the horse in the stable slot.

" Makes sense" I replied.

Loki looked at me weirdly.

"What!" I said. No offence but I like the way he looks at me no lie. Wouldn't be surprised if he had a girlfriend. Loki smiled.


" Oh nothing" he smiled looking the other way.

I couldn't help but smile, he was hiding something, I just needed to find out.

"You must be truly hungry" he said

"Yea" I replied. How many times in a day are you going to ask me I'm hungry and then not give me any food. We walked into the castle that laid spack middle of the kingdom.

He guided me through halls and rooms that are just so beautiful.

As we entered the great dining hall, which is truly great. Food lined up all in a straight line. From stuffed turkey, to the biggest steak.

" Wow!" I said.

"Come on! My lady." Loki said handing me a plate.

"Thanks" I smiled.

I grabbed some turkey, smoked lamb and pie. As me and Loki sat down across from each other. He was studying as I took a big bite into the turkey.

"What?" I said with a mouth full of food than swallling.

"Nothing" He replied taking a spoonful of mashed potatoes.

We sat in silence for a while and that's when I asked,

" Why do you guys say my lady?"

"It's just a form of speech we have here." he replied then turning back to his food.

I went to back to my mine, yet my stomach was full. So I just sat there poking my food. Minutes passed by. I took a deep breath. I soft sound of orchestra playing. I looked back up and to see Loki was no longer sitting across the table.

"May I have this dance?" asked Loki.

The dining room was filled with people and gowns.

"Um..Sure" I replied.

Loki grabbed my hand and brought me to the middle of room. He placed one of his hands on my hip and the other holding my hand. We twirled around. He brought me closer to him. My heart wanted to fall in love but my mind was preventing it. Just don't fall in love. Control it.

"Your quite beautiful" Loki said looking at me. I blushed, what was I supposed to do, get mad at him for calling me beautiful.  We spun around. I don't know if this what Gods do when they meet a mortal but I'll just go along. Until it gets to romantic. Anyway as we spun around bringing me closer. I placed my head on his chest. Then I  closed my eyes letting the rhythm guide us.

"Uh hem." 

The dining room was no longer filled with people just me and Loki staring at a group of men at the entrance.

The Cold Heart (Book 2) Loki x readerWhere stories live. Discover now