Chapter 17

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“ELAINE!” The sound of my little sister’s screaming filled me with terror and I ran towards her, but my motions were slow as if I was running through molasses. I tried to call back to her that I was coming, that I would save her, but my voice always came out as a whisper when I opened my mouth.

“ELAAAINE!” her desperate screams were now coated with sobs and terror.

I could see her in front of me, kneeling on the ground. Her dirty blonde hair was dripping with blood and Cody stood over her.

“Cody no! Please, I’ll do anything” I begged, but there was no way either of them could’ve heard me. My voice was barely even a whisper.

Cody looked up at me and smiled. He pulled out a dagger and suddenly I found myself able to walk over to him. He reached for my hand and placed the dagger in it carefully.

“Do it Elaine.”

I looked down at my sister who was sobbing at my feet. “Elaine, please help me! Elaine please!”

“Do it Elaine.”

“Oh god no, don’t! Please!” she clutched at me legs.

“DO IT!”

I closed my eyes and plunged the knife downwards, cutting short the screams of my sister. I stood over her body breathing heavily. The knife fell out of my hand but someone caught it before it hit the ground.

“Was that so hard?”

I twirled around but instead of Cody behind me, it was now Zach. He smiled and reached a hand out, the hand with the knife. He ran the flat of the blade against my face so Ava’s blood was now smeared on my cheek.

“I love you.” he smirked and leaned forward to kiss me. 

I jumped out of bed as if I had received an electric shock and caught my foot on the edge of the covers, tripping off of the bed and landing face first on the floor.

“Aw shit!” I moaned, rubbing my poor nose.

A choking sound from the doorway caught my attention and I looked over to see Kyran leaning against the doorway for support and trying really hard to keep from laughing. I glared at him intently hoping that might suffice in making him drop dead. That seemed to push him over the edge and he began to roar with laughter.

“H-how are you so clumsy after the way you ran and fought last night?” He choked out between bursts of sniggering.

“Old habits die hard.” I said quietly. He gave me a curious look and I gave an uncomfortable shrug. I had half hoped he wouldn’t hear me. “What do you want?”

A small scowl came back to his face as if he suddenly remembered I was the enemy. “Tom told me to come wake you up.”

“What time is it?”

“Almost noon.”

“What?!” I shrieked, picking myself up off of the floor.

“Jesus woman, deafen me why don’t you.” Kyran muttered, wincing at my loud voice.

“I haven’t slept that late in forever.” I quietly laughed to myself. I hadn’t slept that late since I had been kidnapped.

“Yeah well whatever girly, come downstairs.” he said bossily.

“Girly?” I asked him indignantly, following him down the stairs. “You’re not that much older than me, jerk!”

“Yeah? How old are you little girl?”

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