Chapter 23

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"Come on." I grabbed Ky's arm and pulled him to the door, but the lock on the door immediately turned to the side, making me pause in shock just long enough for a table to block my way to it.

"What the hell?" Ky asked.

"It's Josh and Zach." I told him, almost in a panic.

I turned around with the intention of going to the front door but instantly felt a thrill of fear shoot through me as Zach and Josh came out of my room, heading towards us. My grip on Ky had slackened and he pulled away slightly so he could grab me by the wrist and pull me towards the other door. We ran towards it only to be blocked by more furniture. 

"Dammit, Zach!" I yelled, turning around and glaring at him.

He smirked at me, that cocky and sadistic gleam that I knew so well was in his eyes. "Hey Elaine. Nice hair." his eyes flickered across my newly blonde and short hair and he seemed almost amused at my attempts at disguising myself.

"It's nice seeing you face to face."

I felt an arm slide around my waist and I turned my head to find Ky giving a deadly look to Zach. I wasn't sure if Ky was doing it to as a warning or if he did it because he thought I needed the support. If it was the latter then I was not going to be happy, I didn't need his help to deal with Zach.

However as I saw the look of fury and jealousy on Zach's face as his eyes flickered from Ky to his arm around me I knew I could use Zach's emotions against him. With that in mind I leaned slightly into Ky and gave Zach a smug look.

"Is this the bastard you were with the other night?" Zach spat.

"What of it?" Ky asked in a hard voice, his grip on my waist tightening.

"Just thought I should make sure you're the guy I want to kill." he smirked, his eyes still dark with jealousy and anger.

I was watching him carefully so when his hand flew to under his jacket and whipped out his gun I was able to push Ky behind me right as Zach pulled the trigger. The bullet flew into the corner of my upper left shoulder. I barely registered the pain, though, as I ran forward and punched Zach in the face, bringing my arm back afterwards to jab him in between his shoulder blades with my elbow. He stumbled forward a couple of steps and Josh grabbed me by the hair on the top of my head. I was able to get a look at his face for the first time and what I saw made me grin in satisfaction.

There was gauze taped to the side of his face where I had cut him with my knife the day I had escaped. I reached out and grabbed the gauze and ripped it off, revealing a deep, long cut that was stitched up.

"Nice face." I smirked.

Snake hissed at me angrily and leaned forward to bite me and inject me with his venom, but using my fingernails I dug my fingers into his cut and scratched hard, pulling out a few stitches. Snake howled in pain and pushed me away from him, causing me to stumble back into Zach. Ky seemed to have regained his sense and pulled Zach off of me before punching him in the gut.

I reached down and grabbed the gun from Zach, using the handle of it to hit Zach over the head as hard as I could. He crumpled to the ground, but I knew he wouldn't be out for long, so while he lay on the ground and Snake was yelling in pain I grabbed Ky's arm and we ran to the door, scrambling over the furniture, and bolted to the car.

"What's going on?" Ava asked in a panic as Ky turned on the car and immediately floored the gas, sending us speeding away from the house.

I didn't answer her, choosing instead to snatch Ky's phone out of the car cup holder and instructed her,"Call Mom. Tell her the house was being robbed when you came home so your friend made you go back to her house. If she asks how you know it was being robbed then just tell her you saw some men pushing out furniture and called the police."

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