*Bonus Chapter-Ash's POV*

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Hey everyone, so I never really got to delve into Ash and Cody's story much and it's a painfully sweet story so here's a little bit from the beginning of their tale that hopefully allows you a little glimpse into what their relationship was like. This way you get to see where it started, and then where it ended. As you already know, their love story isn't like Kyran and Elaine's, it's more toxic and damaging so while they really should have gone separate ways for their own sanity, they still loved each other very much until the end. Unfortunately not everyone gets their happily ever after, but their beginning wasn't too bad.

I might remove this chapter from the book later on since it really doesn't pertain to the actual storyline at all, but for now here it is! Enjoy!


"Bye Mom, Dad!" I shouted as I ran outside, stopping only to slip a pair of shoes on at the door.

"Ashley don't you da-" my mother started to shout at me, but I quickly shut the door to block out the sound of her protests.

I was going to get hell when I came back later, I was supposed to be grounded, but I hated it when they kept me locked up in that house. I loved my mother and father, don't get me wrong, but they were sometimes a bit too overprotective. We didn't live in the best area and they both didn't think I could take care of myself.

Oh how wrong they were!

I ran down to the old tunnel that used to be for an underground train, now abandoned entirely except for when homeless people or gangs inhabited it. At this time it was completely empty, though, just how I liked it.

I held my hand up and pointed it at the scorched wall.

"You feeling lucky, punk?" I sneered. "Well? Do you?"

I inhaled, feeling the familiar warmth in my hands before a blast of fire escaped from them, shooting out at the wall. I laughed at the sight, the orange flames dancing like some exotic dancer. As always, it seemed like the most beautiful thing to me.

"Oh, now you want to mess with me huh Mr. Wall?" I demanded playfully, then did an attempt at a jump kick and let a bolt of fire out from the bottom of my feet.

"Ah shit!" I groaned, realizing too late that the fire burned a hole in the soles of my shoes. "Not again! God that sucks, Mom's gonna kill me..."

"Ash!" a voice called. I looked down the tunnel and frowned as I saw who it was.

"Evan, I told you not to follow me!"

"But I wanted to watch you do your cool trick!" she pouted.

"It's dangerous coming here alone," I scolded her. "Next time ask me to take you, otherwise stay home."

"But you left before I could say anything because Mom was yelling at you."

I sighed, trying not to get irritated with her. "Just...don't do it again if no one's there to go with, okay? You're too young to be wandering around alone."

"I'm nine, that's not too young." She glared at me and I had to hold back a smile at how cute she looked when she did that, almost like a little kitten.

"Okay sweetheart, but you can't protect yourself like I can so don't do it again."

Her expression cleared up. "Oh, okay! I can come next time with you and you can protect me!"

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