Chapter Two

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It seemed to Kate that it was several minutes before they finally reached a large wooden door toward the top of the castle, and Gisborne opened it and shoved her though, still keeping hold of her hands. It took her a matter of moments to realise where she was and what Gisborne’s intentions were, and she was gripped by a feeling of sheer horror, mostly at what was clearly about to happen, but partly at herself. For deep in Kate’s subconscious something stirred and she was mortified to recognise it for what it was…excitement.

Gisborne twisted her roughly to face him, and in a menacingly low tone said, “I’m sure you realise I can’t let your antics of earlier on go unpunished.”

“I’ve already told you,” Kate retorted, an unfathomable calmness in her voice, “I don’t care what you do to me so long as my family is safe…” she couldn’t resist adding, “…which I’m sure they will be with Robin Hood looking out for them.”

“Robin Hood is in the grounds of the castle as we speak, Kate,” he spat, “Soon to be underneath the castle awaiting hanging, so I wouldn’t be quite so sure of yourself.”

He searched her face for any kind of reaction or emotion, but still her pale green eyes glittered with defiance. It was then that Gisborne realised what his course of action would be from then on. She wouldn’t show any fear, and unlike the sheriff, Gisborne derived no sexual gratification from inflicting pain on partners willing or otherwise, which left one option. If he couldn’t make her scream in fear, and wouldn’t make her scream in pain, he resolved that he would have her calling out his name in pleasure before the act was through, no matter what it took and how reluctant she was to give him the satisfaction of a response.

He raised his free hand and Kate steeled herself against the violence about to be inflicted, but to her surprise, Gisborne did not lash out. Instead his fingers tangled in her long, fair hair as he pushed it back from her face, before stroking the curve of her cheek, his thumb brushing lightly over her lips. She was mystified at his actions, unaware that it was not entirely her he was seeing as he felt the softness of her skin beneath his fingertips. He pulled her closer, still holding her hands behind her back, forcing her to look up at him as he lowered his head to claim her mouth in an unyielding kiss. He broke off for a moment before returning his lips to hers, gentler this time. Kate knew there was no point in trying to fight him, he was too strong for and there was nothing to be gained by angering him further. Better to take the path of least resistance, she thought, and hope it was over as soon as possible so she could return to the village and her family.

Gisborne deepened the kiss, his tongue parting Kate’s lips and exploring the warm sweetness of her mouth. He struggled to suppress a groan as he felt himself growing harder by the second, knowing that if he was going to break her as he intended, it would be long time before he took his own pleasure, but at the same time savouring the anticipation of the challenge.

At the same time Kate’s heart and mind were fighting a desperate battle of wills with her body. Gisborne’s kiss was surprising in its gentleness and for a moment she almost forgot who she was with. He had let go of her hands now and her reflex reaction was to close her eyes, wrap her arms around him and kiss him back, but she still was sufficiently in possession of her senses not to do so. Instead her arms hung limply at her sides until he finally drew back, slightly breathless and stood, his eyes travelling slowly and hungrily over her form in its closely fitting lavender grey dress, and back to her face. She was finding it harder still to look him the eye, but knew that to look away would be a sign of weakness, so once again she met his gaze.

Gisborne noticed with some satisfaction that whilst her look was still rebellious, her pupils were dilated, her cheeks flushed and her lips swollen from his attentions. It would be so easy, he considered, to throw her onto the bed and take her now, without further preamble, but he couldn’t. He wanted more. For years he had dedicated himself to the pursuit of Marion who had done nothing but use him and make him look a fool. Of course there had been other girls during that time, silly young things who looked upon a coupling with Sir Guy of Gisborne as something to giggle with their equally silly friends about. He hadn’t cared at the time, his physical needs were no more than an itch to be scratched until he could have what he really wanted. But what he really wanted had never been his, and never would be. It had been so long since he had taken a real woman to his bed, and when he’d seen the fiery glint in Kate’s eyes back at the village that afternoon, he knew that only she could give him what he so desperately needed. She was the woman who would make him feel like a man once again.

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