❤️ R.I.P Tibbles ❤️

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Hi there,

So today one of the best pets I could ever ask for has sadly passed away. In honour for Tibbles being the best cat ever, I wanted to tell you all why he's the best cat ever.

Firstly he knew when I was sad, he would come over to me and cheer me up. Like when I was feeling alone and horrible, I saw him in the window heading back towards the house and when I let him in, he didn't ask or hint for food he came to me first and sat on my knee to help cheer me up.

Secondly I loved his company. Tibbles always had a positive attitude towards me, I'm not sure what he was like with my brother but when Tibbles approached me he was always so calm and he never used his claws to make himself comfortable on you, unlike the kitten.

Me and Tibbles had a lot in common, we were both older brothers as I have a younger brother and we have another kitten. We both love food as we can eat loft days and we are both lazy. Tibbles loves to sleep and relax on chairs and so do I, except I don't sleep a lot I just relax.

The pictures that are collated together all have special meanings to me and I chose these photos to share with you all because I wanted to show you all how sweet and kind he was.

By the way, the neck collar that he was wearing wasn't because of an injury.  It's because we were making sure that he couldn't get another cat pregnant and this was after the vets.

The one at the bottom in the middle was when we first got Tibbles and he was loving his Nemo pillow, he did use to have a monkey too but it got lost as he took it out one day and never returned with it.

We found out about 6 months ago that another person was taking him in and feeding him themselves as his collar kept going missing, he smelled like he'd been somewhere and he was always very dry when he had been walking in the rain. I swear we have lost like 10 collars because they kept going missing and we're still not sure whether he got them off somehow or the people taking him in took them off.

Tibbles sadly passed away early in the morning as he never returned from when he loves to go out at night. I had to leave for work at 7:30 and there was no sign of him and he always returns for his breakfast at around 7. Later in the day I returned home and I no one seemed upset or anything. When my nan and grandad left, my mum then told me that she thinks she can see Tibbles on the other side of the road (it's a road where one side has 2 lines and there is like grass and a fence in the middle). We left the house when it had gotten darker incase people gave us funny looks and wondered what we were doing and when we found out that it was Tibbles, our hearts had broken.

We think that he had been hit by a car and moved to the side onto the grass by someone. I will never forget seeing him on his side, in the position like he is jumping with his back and front legs out and his poor mouth slightly open.

I got him a Christmas present this past Christmas and it is a massaging toy with cat nip hidden in it. Cats go mad for cat nip, as I've learned from Tibbles. I'll never forget the way that Tibbles would rub his head and body against the massager. I remember when I opened the cat nip for the first time and he walked over to me and tried to fit his head into this tiny tub hehe only his nose would fit though.

In honour of Tibbles being one of the bestest friends I've ever had, I've decided that I'm going to make a story on Wattpad. A story which will have real life events so that I am able to keep our memories alive and look back on them whenever I miss him.

Thank you for taking the time to read this and sorry if you thought this was an update, but I just wanted to tell you all how much Tibbles meant to me. He's irreplaceable. I've even asked my mum if we can have no more cats or pets. We still have 2 pets right now, the kitten called Darwin and a rabbit called Patch.

I'm forgot to add that he had a small tail from the place we got him from and we took care of him and tried our best to make sure that he would bite the end off any more. We were successful most of the time, just the odd few times he caught his tale. I also told all my secrets to Tibbles too, so he'll always be special to me and I will never ever forget him.

This may sound sad, but we had nicknames for Tibbles too and he would respond to all of them. We had Tibs, Tibbies and Tibbletypops.

Thank you Tibbles for being in my life ❤️.

(27/10/13 - 16/01/16)

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