Chapter 5 - The Abandoned House

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John's POV:

I take a deep breath as I prepare myself for answering some questions. James looks towards me 'do you know where he is usually located?'. I nod and Brad continues 'is it ok if you could tell us?'. I nod again and grab the notepad and pen. 'When you ran me over, in the bushes next to us was an abandoned building . It took me about 5 minutes to run through the bushes though'. Brad nods and notes it down. 'Is the building easy to find when you go through the bushes?' Brad asks and I nod. 'Is there only him that works there?' James asks and I shake my head. 'He has someone who picks up his clients for him'  I write down and Brad sighs.

James smiles 'that's all the questions we have. Thank you soo much John, you were a massive help'. I smile and nod. Brad then asks 'sorry, just 1 more question. What is the mans name?'. I scratch my head to think about it and then I remember 'His name is Ramsey'. Brad nods 'thank you'. 'Would you like to come down or are you ok?' James asks calmly and I smile before standing up.

Brad's POV:

I haven't told them this yet, but I have a plan. It's not an easy plan, but I'm sure it'll work. Just as me, James and John get to the bottom of the stairs, my phone starts to ring and I look down to check the caller ID, Connor. I roll my eyes and answer the phone with an annoyed 'What?'. 'B-B-Brad' a weak voice comes from the other end of the phone. 'Connor?' I ask surprised. 'Brad' he silently cries down the phone. 'Where are you?' I ask and I hear a door close on the other side of the line 'I'm s-scared' he whimpers. 'Are you ok Con?' I ask and he replies with an unsure 'I think so'. 'Connor, can you escape?' I ask another question. 'I-I can't, he-hes asleep. H-he got himself d-drunk and n-now he's asleep. I managed t-to get my p-phone though' Connor whispers down the phone.

'Connor, listen to me. Grab something heavy and hide. We're coming to get you ok. When you see him, hit him over the head with the heavy object and that should knock him out' I explain and Connor whispers 'I'll try'. 'We're on our way' I say. 'Don't l-leave m-me' Connor whimpers down the phone and my heart breaks. 'I'll stay on the phone with you' I say and I hear Connor sigh a relief 'thank y-you'.

'Joe, we need to go to where we ran John over' I explain and he looks at me confused and I reply with 'now, I'll explain on the way'. Joe nods and we all climb into the car before Joe starts driving. I hear Connor's breathing pace speed up 'he-he's awake' he cries. 'Connor! Wheres my phone?!' I hear someone shouting. 'B-Brad, I d-don't have a-a weapon' Connor panics. 'Just be quiet and hide Con, were almost there' I try and calm him down.

As we pull up to the place where we hit John, I hear someone on the phone in the background say 'there you are' and Connor's breathe get caught in his throat. I hear a thumping sound and someone colliding with the floor. The phone crashes down onto the floor and the loud collision with the floor makes me flinch and I feel myself becoming more and more angry that he is hurting my Connor.

I climb out of the car before anyone else and sprint through the bushes until I stop where there are 2 ways. I pause for a second until someone taps me on the shoulder, and it was John. He points to the left and I nod before sprinting onwards until I see the abandoned house covered in plants and vines along with long, uncut grass and a brand new Ford Focus and Ford Fiesta sitting outside. I take it that they are Ramsey and his helpers cars.

I run up to the door and turn the handle. It doesn't budge, I walk backwards to do a run up but I see James sprint past me and collide with the door, smashing into 3 pieces. I walk into the unwelcoming house and hear thumping coming from upstairs. I power walk around the house like a mad-man until I find a herd of glass alcohol and wine bottles sitting on the floor. I pick the largest bottle up and search for the stairs. I start to slowly walk up the stairs and turn around and hold my finger to my lips to signal James to be quiet. James nods and he follows me up the stairs until we see 3 doors. The bathroom door is wide open, but the other 2 are closed.

I walk up to one door and listen in to see if they are in there and they are. I quietly push the door open quietly and see a tall man, about the same height as Joe. I walk up behind him and send my leg in for a nut-cracking blow. The man screams out in pain and falls to his knees, I smile as I now have a better swing with this wine bottle. I swing with all my might, but the man ducks out the way. The bottle slips from my hand and smashes on the wall. I look back at the man and he turns around annoyed. Just as he goes to speak, Joe interrupts him 'never mess with my boys'. Joe then punches the man in the face knocking him out.

I didn't know Joe had it in him to do that. I look over and see Connor laying on the floor face down , by the bed in just a shirt and under pants. I panic and run over to him. I turn him around and see a bruise on his left cheek and his left eye is black. Joe walks over and puts 2 fingers on Connor's wrist checking for a pulse. I look up towards Joe as I'm holding Connor in my arms and Joe smiles 'he has a pulse'.


Hi There!

I hope you like the update!

Also, how was your first ever day in 2016?

I keep thinking my laptop clock is wrong as it says 01/01/16

My day was ok, I haven't done much though. Its just been an ordinary day.

Thank you for reading too!!!!!

I can't wait to update this story more!!!!!!! :D

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