four // boss' orders

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"Well, that was a complete waste of time." I say as I push open the door to the office where Liam is still sat behind his computer. I swear he hasn't even moved a muscle since I left earlier.

I spent the day doing exactly what Owen told me to: I did research on the girl, I went to her school, I followed her and her friends to some cafe like I was told, I listened to their silly little conversation about boys and hairspray or some shit, and I stared the girl out.
Admittedly, I did probably look at her for far too long and I know she was freaked out by it. I'm not really sure why I scoped her out so much, I just couldn't seem to figure her out. One of my many talents is being able to read people just by looking at them, but with that Alicia girl, my mind was just blank.

And that irritated me.

When I can't read people very easily, it makes me feel like they're hiding something and they're very good at it too. Like they've almost been taught how to keep secrets and lie. That's the way I've basically been brought up to see it anyway. I was taught to build up a wall and it's easy for me to notice it in other people. I see it everyday in the men I work with. It takes a while for people to prove that they're trustworthy and get me to believe them. And even when they do, one little mistake can cause me to completely change my mind for good.

Despite this, I can tell that this  girl isn't the person Owen is looking for. Once she left the cafe with her friends, I followed her the whole way home and even climbed a huge wall to get inside the property so I could scope it out. Even though I had to hide in the forest so she wouldn't see me, it's pretty obvious that she is just a normal college girl. Maybe a little more privileged than others, but normal nevertheless.

Owen is looking for some criminal mastermind who's helping out Ferguson behind the scenes, and I'm pretty sure his teenage daughter isn't the one who's doing it.

"Why? What happened?" Liam asks me as I throw myself down onto the red couch in our office. It's a bit scruffy and has a few beer stains but it's still comfortable.

"I kept an eye on that Alicia girl, like Owen told me." I tell him, running my hands through my hair. "Nothing interesting there."

"What, you don't think she's helping her dad?"

"No way." I protest. "She's too preoccupied with sipping caramel lattes in her big ass mansion and applying Chanel nail polish."

"Whoa there. I sense some bitter jealousy, Harry." Liam teases with a smile and I scoff at him.

"Well yeah. I work my ass off all day, where's my mansion?" I ask and Liam raises his eyebrows. "Whatever. One day."

"In your dreams, mate." Liam laughs and I sigh, knowing he's right.

I'm probably never going to get out of my shitty little flat on the outskirts of town. You'd think that after having this job for so long, and being pretty fucking good at it too, that I would maybe get some sort of upgrade. Something nice that is actually important to me, not any of the useless stuff I just deal with on a daily basis.

I've always said that when all of this is done, or if it's ever done, I want something that is proof of how hard I've worked. Something that proves truly how hard I worked, and something that I went through heaven and hell to get my hands on. Something I can finally call mine.

But whatever that thing may be, it doesn't look like it's coming anytime soon.

My thoughts of a better and more luxurious life are interrupted by the sound of my phone ringing. I reach into my pocket to grab it, noticing the same number Owen contacted me on earlier flashing on the screen. I let out a quiet groan, not particularly in the mood for him to interrogate me right now, before pressing accept and bringing the phone to my ear.

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