seven // warning shot

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I freeze.

It feels like every single limb in my body that was burning before has now turned into cold, hard ice. I'm still completely breathless and my heart is slamming against my ribs so hard I'm afraid they'll break, and my dry, cracking lips are trembling with immense fear. His dark green eyes stare down at me, slighting narrowed but completely full of anger. Just from his look, I know that trying to run was the biggest mistake I could've made.

"What were you doing, hmm?" Harry asks, his malicious gaze burning into me and his grip becoming tighter. When I don't reply, his expression becomes even angrier and he furrows his eyebrows. "Answer me!"

"I was g-getting changed." I tell him quickly in a shaky voice, gesturing to the clothes in my arms. "H-he gave me s-some clothes."

"And when you were done, you got confused and thought the window was the way out, did you?" Harry asks in a sarcastic tone, cocking his head slightly.

I suck in a breath instead of replying, chills running through my body from his piercing gaze still on me. "W-what am I doing here-"

Harry cuts me off by grabbing hold of my arm and roughy yanking me after him back down the road. "Come on, we don't have time to stand here and chit chat."

"Wait. Please." I beg but Harry doesn't listen. I try my hardest to pull my arm away but his grip is too strong, his fingers wrapped around me and his nails digging into my skin so hard that I'll probably have a nasty bruise soon. "Please just stop. Let me go. You can leave me here, I don't care."

"As much as that suggestion is appealing, sadly for you, I'm afraid I can't permit it." Harry snaps back.

"Please let me go." I try again, wanting to beg as much as I can while I'm actually conscious. I'm sure he'll have no issue with knocking me out again as soon as we're back in the car. "I p-promise you that I won't tell anyone what's h-happened here. I won't tell my family, my friends, not even the police. Not anyone. Ever. Not even if they ask. I'll forget any of this ever happened. Just.....please."

Salty tears of fear and desperation are streaming down my face by this point. I continue begging for him to let me go as he drags me after him, but he doesn't give in. As we turn a corner and the car comes back into my view, my panic level becomes higher knowing I'll have to get back in there with them and I begin to hysterically beg and cry as much as I can, as loud as I can, just hoping that someone around might hear me.

All of a sudden, Harry jerks us backwards and I'm slammed against the wall, my head banging against the hard stone so hard I swear I see stars for a second, pain shooting through my whole body as the wrist Harry was holding is pinned beside my head.

"Stop fucking screaming!" He yells right into my face, the vein in his neck looking like it's going to burst from the effort and the anger surging through him.

I wince at the loud noise, cowering away from him. Through my blurred vision, I suddenly notice a pistol hooked underneath his jacket and my heart sinks. I completely forgot that he could just kill me anytime he wanted.

"I'm sorry." I sob desperately, my head throbbing from the impact it made with the stone behind me. "I-I'll go with you. I won't scream anymore. Just please....I need some w-water. And some food. Please."

Harry thinks for a moment, keeping his fierce gaze on me. He clenches his jaw as his eyes scan my tear stained face before making their way back to my own fearful eyes. My breathing goes back to normal as I stand against the wall, both of our chests moving up and down in a slow motion, Harry's breaths heavier and louder than mine due to his anger. As I stare back at him, I can't help but notice a few strands of his hair have fallen across his forehead but he doesn't do anything to brush it away. He's completely still, frozen in time.

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