seventeen // hideaway

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It's raining when we arrive in New York, which I suppose is a good thing because no one even acknowledges us, all too busy trying to get out of the bad weather and find refuge to someplace warmer. As soon as we leave the airport, Harry manages to hail a taxi with ease and I quickly follow him once it stops at the side of the road, sliding inside after him and closing the door. Once inside, I reach up to take off my sunglasses and pull down my wet hood, but Harry grabs my wrist to stop me.

"Keep them on." He tells me, glancing over at the driver and I raise my eyebrows, huffily pulling the hood back into place. I guess he's really serious about not wanting anyone to see us.

"Where are we even going?" I ask Harry quietly when the car begins to drive off, leaning closer so he can hear me.

"That's none of your concern." He murmurs back, our faces only a few scary inches apart, noses almost touching, breath mingling. I can't help but notice how pink and plump his lips look right now, even though it's an incredibly inappropriate thing to think about, just like it was on the plane earlier.

"It better not be some gross motel." I tell him firmly and he looks me dead in the eye, slight amusement evident in his features.

"Why?" He asks with a smirk. "Are rundown motels not up to your standards, princess?"

"Rundown motels wouldn't be up to anyone who has standards." I say quietly, abruptly moving back to create space between us before a repeat of the embarrassment I felt on the plane creeps in again.

The car ride is quiet what with Harry just scrolling through his phone and making a point to ignore me. I stare out of the window for most of the journey, overwhelmed by the beauty of the city and all the people here. Everyone is so different, so unique, each of their lives headed in a different direction. They could be waking to work, going to meet some friends or family or do a bit of shopping. Meanwhile, I am sat in this car looking at them, headed to yet another place where I will have to hide away in order to protect my life.

"Stop here." Harry suddenly demands the driver and the car begins to slow down. I glance around at where we are, not noticing any houses in sight. Just a long alleyway with graffiti covered walls.

"Wait, why are we stopping here?" I ask Harry, bringing my gaze back to his.

"Because we are." He replies bluntly, reaching for the handle behind me and pushing open the door. "Now get out."

Grudgingly, I obey his orders and climb out of the car as Harry does the same. He pays the driver and then makes me wait until the car has driven off. A cold gust of wind ripples through the alleyway, causing me to shiver and cross my arms over my chest. Once the car is out of sight, Harry begins to walk forward, beckoning me to follow.

"What was that all about?" I ask as I walk along beside him. "Why were we dropped off here?"

"Because," Harry says in a frustrated voice. "I don't want anyone to know where we're going. It's too dangerous."

"But he was just-"

"Alicia!" Harry suddenly snaps, stopping in his tracks and turning to face me with eyes blazing. "Remember how I said you can't trust anyone? I meant anyone, ok? Not random guys at B&B's, little boys at a clothes store or taxi drivers."

I'm about to continue my side of the argument without even listening to his next comment, although something Harry just said manages to sidetrack me. "That's the second or third time you've mentioned Will and Leon." I observe, much to Harry's annoyance. "Why is that?"

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